1 | // Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
2 | // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
3 |
4 | // ReSharper disable RedundantUsingDirective
5 | // ReSharper disable RedundantExtendsListEntry
6 | // ReSharper disable UnusedMember.Local
7 | // ReSharper disable InterpolatedStringExpressionIsNotIFormattable
8 | // ReSharper disable ConditionIsAlwaysTrueOrFalse
9 | // ReSharper disable PartialMethodWithSinglePart
10 |
11 | #if DEBUG
12 | // Uncomment to enable runtime checks to help validate that NetEventSource isn't being misused
13 | // in a way that will cause performance problems, e.g. unexpected boxing of value types.
15 | #endif
16 |
17 | #nullable enable
18 | using System.Collections;
19 | using System.Diagnostics;
20 | using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
21 | using System.Diagnostics.Tracing;
22 | using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
23 | using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
24 | #if NET46
25 | using System.Security;
26 | #endif
27 |
28 | #pragma warning disable CA1823 // not all IDs are used by all partial providers
29 |
30 | namespace System.Net
31 | {
32 | // Implementation:
33 | // This partial file is meant to be consumed into each System.Net.* assembly that needs to log. Each such assembly also provides
34 | // its own NetEventSource partial class that adds an appropriate [EventSource] attribute, giving it a unique name for that assembly.
35 | // Those partials can then also add additional events if needed, starting numbering from the NextAvailableEventId defined by this partial.
36 |
37 | // Usage:
38 | // - Operations that may allocate (e.g. boxing a value type, using string interpolation, etc.) or that may have computations
39 | // at call sites should guard access like:
40 | // if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) NetEventSource.Info(null, $"Found certificate: {cert}"); // info logging with a formattable string
41 | // - Operations that have zero allocations / measurable computations at call sites can use a simpler pattern, calling methods like:
42 | // NetEventSource.Info(this, "literal string"); // arbitrary message with a literal string
43 | // Debug.Asserts inside the logging methods will help to flag some misuse if the DEBUG_NETEVENTSOURCE_MISUSE compilation constant is defined.
44 | // However, because it can be difficult by observation to understand all of the costs involved, guarding can be done everywhere.
45 | // - Messages can be strings, formattable strings, or any other object. Objects (including those used in formattable strings) have special
46 | // formatting applied, controlled by the Format method. Partial specializations can also override this formatting by implementing a partial
47 | // method that takes an object and optionally provides a string representation of it, in case a particular library wants to customize further.
48 |
49 | /// <summary>Provides logging facilities for System.Net libraries.</summary>
50 | #if NET46
51 | [SecuritySafeCritical]
52 | #endif
53 | internal sealed partial class NetEventSource : EventSource
54 | {
55 | /// <summary>The single event source instance to use for all logging.</summary>
56 | public static readonly NetEventSource Log = new NetEventSource();
57 |
58 | #region Metadata
59 | public class Keywords
60 | {
61 | public const EventKeywords Default = (EventKeywords)0x0001;
62 | public const EventKeywords Debug = (EventKeywords)0x0002;
63 |
64 | // No longer used:
65 | // EnterExit = (EventKeywords)0x0004;
66 | }
67 |
68 | private const string MissingMember = "(?)";
69 | private const string NullInstance = "(null)";
70 | private const string StaticMethodObject = "(static)";
71 | private const string NoParameters = "";
72 | private const int MaxDumpSize = 1024;
73 |
74 | // No longer used:
75 | // EnterEventId = 1;
76 | // ExitEventId = 2;
77 |
78 | private const int AssociateEventId = 3;
79 | private const int InfoEventId = 4;
80 | private const int ErrorEventId = 5;
81 | private const int DumpArrayEventId = 7;
82 |
83 | // These events are implemented in NetEventSource.Security.cs.
84 | // Define the ids here so that projects that include NetEventSource.Security.cs will not have conflicts.
85 | private const int EnumerateSecurityPackagesId = 8;
86 | private const int SspiPackageNotFoundId = 9;
87 | private const int AcquireDefaultCredentialId = 10;
88 | private const int AcquireCredentialsHandleId = 11;
89 | private const int InitializeSecurityContextId = 12;
90 | private const int SecurityContextInputBufferId = 13;
91 | private const int SecurityContextInputBuffersId = 14;
92 | private const int AcceptSecuritContextId = 15;
93 | private const int OperationReturnedSomethingId = 16;
94 |
95 | private const int NextAvailableEventId = 17; // Update this value whenever new events are added. Derived types should base all events off of this to avoid conflicts.
96 | #endregion
97 |
98 | #region Events
99 | #region Info
100 | /// <summary>Logs an information message.</summary>
101 | /// <param name="thisOrContextObject">`this`, or another object that serves to provide context for the operation.</param>
102 | /// <param name="formattableString">The message to be logged.</param>
103 | /// <param name="memberName">The calling member.</param>
104 | [NonEvent]
105 | public static void Info(object? thisOrContextObject, FormattableString? formattableString = null, [CallerMemberName] string? memberName = null)
106 | {
107 | DebugValidateArg(thisOrContextObject);
108 | DebugValidateArg(formattableString);
109 | if (IsEnabled) Log.Info(IdOf(thisOrContextObject), memberName, formattableString != null ? Format(formattableString) : NoParameters);
110 | }
111 |
112 | /// <summary>Logs an information message.</summary>
113 | /// <param name="thisOrContextObject">`this`, or another object that serves to provide context for the operation.</param>
114 | /// <param name="message">The message to be logged.</param>
115 | /// <param name="memberName">The calling member.</param>
116 | [NonEvent]
117 | public static void Info(object? thisOrContextObject, object? message, [CallerMemberName] string? memberName = null)
118 | {
119 | DebugValidateArg(thisOrContextObject);
120 | DebugValidateArg(message);
121 | if (IsEnabled) Log.Info(IdOf(thisOrContextObject), memberName, Format(message).ToString());
122 | }
123 |
124 | [Event(InfoEventId, Level = EventLevel.Informational, Keywords = Keywords.Default)]
125 | private void Info(string thisOrContextObject, string? memberName, string? message) =>
126 | WriteEvent(InfoEventId, thisOrContextObject, memberName ?? MissingMember, message);
127 | #endregion
128 |
129 | #region Error
130 | /// <summary>Logs an error message.</summary>
131 | /// <param name="thisOrContextObject">`this`, or another object that serves to provide context for the operation.</param>
132 | /// <param name="formattableString">The message to be logged.</param>
133 | /// <param name="memberName">The calling member.</param>
134 | [NonEvent]
135 | public static void Error(object? thisOrContextObject, FormattableString formattableString, [CallerMemberName] string? memberName = null)
136 | {
137 | DebugValidateArg(thisOrContextObject);
138 | DebugValidateArg(formattableString);
139 | if (IsEnabled) Log.ErrorMessage(IdOf(thisOrContextObject), memberName, Format(formattableString));
140 | }
141 |
142 | /// <summary>Logs an error message.</summary>
143 | /// <param name="thisOrContextObject">`this`, or another object that serves to provide context for the operation.</param>
144 | /// <param name="message">The message to be logged.</param>
145 | /// <param name="memberName">The calling member.</param>
146 | [NonEvent]
147 | public static void Error(object? thisOrContextObject, object message, [CallerMemberName] string? memberName = null)
148 | {
149 | DebugValidateArg(thisOrContextObject);
150 | DebugValidateArg(message);
151 | if (IsEnabled) Log.ErrorMessage(IdOf(thisOrContextObject), memberName, Format(message).ToString());
152 | }
153 |
154 | [Event(ErrorEventId, Level = EventLevel.Error, Keywords = Keywords.Default)]
155 | private void ErrorMessage(string thisOrContextObject, string? memberName, string? message) =>
156 | WriteEvent(ErrorEventId, thisOrContextObject, memberName ?? MissingMember, message);
157 | #endregion
158 |
159 | #region Verbose
160 | /// <summary>Logs an info message at verbose mode.</summary>
161 | /// <param name="thisOrContextObject">`this`, or another object that serves to provide context for the operation.</param>
162 | /// <param name="formattableString">The message to be logged.</param>
163 | /// <param name="memberName">The calling member.</param>
164 | [NonEvent]
165 | public static void Verbose(object? thisOrContextObject, FormattableString formattableString, [CallerMemberName] string? memberName = null)
166 | {
167 | DebugValidateArg(thisOrContextObject);
168 | DebugValidateArg(formattableString);
169 | if (IsEnabled) Log.ErrorMessage(IdOf(thisOrContextObject), memberName, Format(formattableString));
170 | }
171 |
172 | /// <summary>Logs an info at verbose mode.</summary>
173 | /// <param name="thisOrContextObject">`this`, or another object that serves to provide context for the operation.</param>
174 | /// <param name="message">The message to be logged.</param>
175 | /// <param name="memberName">The calling member.</param>
176 | [NonEvent]
177 | public static void Verbose(object? thisOrContextObject, object message, [CallerMemberName] string? memberName = null)
178 | {
179 | DebugValidateArg(thisOrContextObject);
180 | DebugValidateArg(message);
181 | if (IsEnabled) Log.VerboseMessage(IdOf(thisOrContextObject), memberName, Format(message).ToString());
182 | }
183 |
184 | [Event(ErrorEventId, Level = EventLevel.Verbose, Keywords = Keywords.Default)]
185 | private void VerboseMessage(string thisOrContextObject, string? memberName, string? message) =>
186 | WriteEvent(ErrorEventId, thisOrContextObject, memberName ?? MissingMember, message);
187 | #endregion
188 |
189 | #region DumpBuffer
190 | /// <summary>Logs the contents of a buffer.</summary>
191 | /// <param name="thisOrContextObject">`this`, or another object that serves to provide context for the operation.</param>
192 | /// <param name="buffer">The buffer to be logged.</param>
193 | /// <param name="memberName">The calling member.</param>
194 | [NonEvent]
195 | public static void DumpBuffer(object? thisOrContextObject, byte[] buffer, [CallerMemberName] string? memberName = null)
196 | {
197 | DumpBuffer(thisOrContextObject, buffer, 0, buffer.Length, memberName);
198 | }
199 |
200 | /// <summary>Logs the contents of a buffer.</summary>
201 | /// <param name="thisOrContextObject">`this`, or another object that serves to provide context for the operation.</param>
202 | /// <param name="buffer">The buffer to be logged.</param>
203 | /// <param name="offset">The starting offset from which to log.</param>
204 | /// <param name="count">The number of bytes to log.</param>
205 | /// <param name="memberName">The calling member.</param>
206 | [NonEvent]
207 | public static void DumpBuffer(object? thisOrContextObject, byte[] buffer, int offset, int count, [CallerMemberName] string? memberName = null)
208 | {
209 | if (IsEnabled && offset >= 0 && offset <= buffer.Length - count)
210 | {
211 | count = Math.Min(count, MaxDumpSize);
212 |
213 | byte[] slice = buffer;
214 | if (offset != 0 || count != buffer.Length)
215 | {
216 | slice = new byte[count];
217 | Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, offset, slice, 0, count);
218 | }
219 |
220 | Log.DumpBuffer(IdOf(thisOrContextObject), memberName, slice);
221 | }
222 | }
223 |
224 | /// <summary>Logs the contents of a buffer.</summary>
225 | /// <param name="thisOrContextObject">`this`, or another object that serves to provide context for the operation.</param>
226 | /// <param name="bufferPtr">The starting location of the buffer to be logged.</param>
227 | /// <param name="count">The number of bytes to log.</param>
228 | /// <param name="memberName">The calling member.</param>
229 | [NonEvent]
230 | public static unsafe void DumpBuffer(object? thisOrContextObject, IntPtr bufferPtr, int count, [CallerMemberName] string? memberName = null)
231 | {
232 | Debug.Assert(bufferPtr != IntPtr.Zero);
233 | Debug.Assert(count >= 0);
234 |
235 | if (IsEnabled)
236 | {
237 | var buffer = new byte[Math.Min(count, MaxDumpSize)];
238 | fixed (byte* targetPtr = buffer)
239 | {
240 | Buffer.MemoryCopy((byte*)bufferPtr, targetPtr, buffer.Length, buffer.Length);
241 | }
242 | Log.DumpBuffer(IdOf(thisOrContextObject), memberName, buffer);
243 | }
244 | }
245 |
246 | [Event(DumpArrayEventId, Level = EventLevel.Verbose, Keywords = Keywords.Debug)]
247 | private void DumpBuffer(string thisOrContextObject, string? memberName, byte[] buffer) =>
248 | WriteEvent(DumpArrayEventId, thisOrContextObject, memberName ?? MissingMember, buffer);
249 | #endregion
250 |
251 | #region Associate
252 | /// <summary>Logs a relationship between two objects.</summary>
253 | /// <param name="first">The first object.</param>
254 | /// <param name="second">The second object.</param>
255 | /// <param name="memberName">The calling member.</param>
256 | [NonEvent]
257 | public static void Associate(object first, object second, [CallerMemberName] string? memberName = null)
258 | {
259 | DebugValidateArg(first);
260 | DebugValidateArg(second);
261 | if (IsEnabled) Log.Associate(IdOf(first), memberName, IdOf(first), IdOf(second));
262 | }
263 |
264 | /// <summary>Logs a relationship between two objects.</summary>
265 | /// <param name="thisOrContextObject">`this`, or another object that serves to provide context for the operation.</param>
266 | /// <param name="first">The first object.</param>
267 | /// <param name="second">The second object.</param>
268 | /// <param name="memberName">The calling member.</param>
269 | [NonEvent]
270 | public static void Associate(object? thisOrContextObject, object first, object second, [CallerMemberName] string? memberName = null)
271 | {
272 | DebugValidateArg(thisOrContextObject);
273 | DebugValidateArg(first);
274 | DebugValidateArg(second);
275 | if (IsEnabled) Log.Associate(IdOf(thisOrContextObject), memberName, IdOf(first), IdOf(second));
276 | }
277 |
278 | [Event(AssociateEventId, Level = EventLevel.Informational, Keywords = Keywords.Default, Message = "[{2}]<-->[{3}]")]
279 | private void Associate(string thisOrContextObject, string? memberName, string first, string second) =>
280 | WriteEvent(AssociateEventId, thisOrContextObject, memberName ?? MissingMember, first, second);
281 | #endregion
282 | #endregion
283 |
284 | #region Helpers
286 | private static void DebugValidateArg(object? arg)
287 | {
288 | if (!IsEnabled)
289 | {
290 | Debug.Assert(!(arg is ValueType), $"Should not be passing value type {arg?.GetType()} to logging without IsEnabled check");
291 | Debug.Assert(!(arg is FormattableString), $"Should not be formatting FormattableString \"{arg}\" if tracing isn't enabled");
292 | }
293 | }
294 |
296 | private static void DebugValidateArg(FormattableString? arg)
297 | {
298 | Debug.Assert(IsEnabled || arg == null, $"Should not be formatting FormattableString \"{arg}\" if tracing isn't enabled");
299 | }
300 |
301 | public static new bool IsEnabled =>
302 | Log.IsEnabled();
303 |
304 | [NonEvent]
305 | public static string IdOf(object? value) => value != null ? value.GetType().Name + "#" + GetHashCode(value) : NullInstance;
306 |
307 | [NonEvent]
308 | public static int GetHashCode(object? value) => value?.GetHashCode() ?? 0;
309 |
310 | [NonEvent]
311 | public static object Format(object? value)
312 | {
313 | // If it's null, return a known string for null values
314 | if (value == null)
315 | {
316 | return NullInstance;
317 | }
318 |
319 | // Give another partial implementation a chance to provide its own string representation
320 | string? result = null;
321 | AdditionalCustomizedToString(value, ref result);
322 | if (result != null)
323 | {
324 | return result;
325 | }
326 |
327 | // Format arrays with their element type name and length
328 | if (value is Array arr)
329 | {
330 | return $"{arr.GetType().GetElementType()}[{((Array)value).Length}]";
331 | }
332 |
333 | // Format ICollections as the name and count
334 | if (value is ICollection c)
335 | {
336 | return $"{c.GetType().Name}({c.Count})";
337 | }
338 |
339 | // Format SafeHandles as their type, hash code, and pointer value
340 | if (value is SafeHandle handle)
341 | {
342 | return $"{handle.GetType().Name}:{handle.GetHashCode()}(0x{handle.DangerousGetHandle():X})";
343 | }
344 |
345 | // Format IntPtrs as hex
346 | if (value is IntPtr)
347 | {
348 | return $"0x{value:X}";
349 | }
350 |
351 | // If the string representation of the instance would just be its type name,
352 | // use its id instead.
353 | string? toString = value.ToString();
354 | if (toString == null || toString == value.GetType().FullName)
355 | {
356 | return IdOf(value);
357 | }
358 |
359 | // Otherwise, return the original object so that the caller does default formatting.
360 | return value;
361 | }
362 |
363 | [NonEvent]
364 | private static string Format(FormattableString s)
365 | {
366 | switch (s.ArgumentCount)
367 | {
368 | case 0: return s.Format;
369 | case 1: return string.Format(s.Format, Format(s.GetArgument(0)));
370 | case 2: return string.Format(s.Format, Format(s.GetArgument(0)), Format(s.GetArgument(1)));
371 | case 3: return string.Format(s.Format, Format(s.GetArgument(0)), Format(s.GetArgument(1)), Format(s.GetArgument(2)));
372 | default:
373 | object?[] args = s.GetArguments();
374 | object[] formattedArgs = new object[args.Length];
375 | for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
376 | {
377 | formattedArgs[i] = Format(args[i]);
378 | }
379 | return string.Format(s.Format, formattedArgs);
380 | }
381 | }
382 |
383 | static partial void AdditionalCustomizedToString<T>(T value, ref string? result);
384 | #endregion
385 |
386 | #region Custom WriteEvent overloads
387 |
388 | [NonEvent]
389 | private unsafe void WriteEvent(int eventId, string? arg1, string? arg2, string? arg3, string? arg4)
390 | {
391 | if (IsEnabled())
392 | {
393 | if (arg1 == null) arg1 = "";
394 | if (arg2 == null) arg2 = "";
395 | if (arg3 == null) arg3 = "";
396 | if (arg4 == null) arg4 = "";
397 |
398 | fixed (char* string1Bytes = arg1)
399 | fixed (char* string2Bytes = arg2)
400 | fixed (char* string3Bytes = arg3)
401 | fixed (char* string4Bytes = arg4)
402 | {
403 | const int NumEventDatas = 4;
404 | var descrs = stackalloc EventData[NumEventDatas];
405 |
406 | descrs[0] = new EventData
407 | {
408 | DataPointer = (IntPtr)string1Bytes,
409 | Size = ((arg1.Length + 1) * 2)
410 | };
411 | descrs[1] = new EventData
412 | {
413 | DataPointer = (IntPtr)string2Bytes,
414 | Size = ((arg2.Length + 1) * 2)
415 | };
416 | descrs[2] = new EventData
417 | {
418 | DataPointer = (IntPtr)string3Bytes,
419 | Size = ((arg3.Length + 1) * 2)
420 | };
421 | descrs[3] = new EventData
422 | {
423 | DataPointer = (IntPtr)string4Bytes,
424 | Size = ((arg4.Length + 1) * 2)
425 | };
426 |
427 | WriteEventCore(eventId, NumEventDatas, descrs);
428 | }
429 | }
430 | }
431 |
432 | [NonEvent]
433 | private unsafe void WriteEvent(int eventId, string? arg1, string? arg2, byte[]? arg3)
434 | {
435 | if (IsEnabled())
436 | {
437 | if (arg1 == null) arg1 = "";
438 | if (arg2 == null) arg2 = "";
439 | if (arg3 == null) arg3 = Array.Empty<byte>();
440 |
441 | fixed (char* arg1Ptr = arg1)
442 | fixed (char* arg2Ptr = arg2)
443 | fixed (byte* arg3Ptr = arg3)
444 | {
445 | int bufferLength = arg3.Length;
446 | const int NumEventDatas = 4;
447 | var descrs = stackalloc EventData[NumEventDatas];
448 |
449 | descrs[0] = new EventData
450 | {
451 | DataPointer = (IntPtr)arg1Ptr,
452 | Size = (arg1.Length + 1) * sizeof(char)
453 | };
454 | descrs[1] = new EventData
455 | {
456 | DataPointer = (IntPtr)arg2Ptr,
457 | Size = (arg2.Length + 1) * sizeof(char)
458 | };
459 | descrs[2] = new EventData
460 | {
461 | DataPointer = (IntPtr)(&bufferLength),
462 | Size = 4
463 | };
464 | descrs[3] = new EventData
465 | {
466 | DataPointer = (IntPtr)arg3Ptr,
467 | Size = bufferLength
468 | };
469 |
470 | WriteEventCore(eventId, NumEventDatas, descrs);
471 | }
472 | }
473 | }
474 |
475 | [NonEvent]
476 | private unsafe void WriteEvent(int eventId, string? arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4)
477 | {
478 | if (IsEnabled())
479 | {
480 | if (arg1 == null) arg1 = "";
481 |
482 | fixed (char* arg1Ptr = arg1)
483 | {
484 | const int NumEventDatas = 4;
485 | var descrs = stackalloc EventData[NumEventDatas];
486 |
487 | descrs[0] = new EventData
488 | {
489 | DataPointer = (IntPtr)(arg1Ptr),
490 | Size = (arg1.Length + 1) * sizeof(char)
491 | };
492 | descrs[1] = new EventData
493 | {
494 | DataPointer = (IntPtr)(&arg2),
495 | Size = sizeof(int)
496 | };
497 | descrs[2] = new EventData
498 | {
499 | DataPointer = (IntPtr)(&arg3),
500 | Size = sizeof(int)
501 | };
502 | descrs[3] = new EventData
503 | {
504 | DataPointer = (IntPtr)(&arg4),
505 | Size = sizeof(int)
506 | };
507 |
508 | WriteEventCore(eventId, NumEventDatas, descrs);
509 | }
510 | }
511 | }
512 |
513 | [NonEvent]
514 | private unsafe void WriteEvent(int eventId, string? arg1, int arg2, string? arg3)
515 | {
516 | if (IsEnabled())
517 | {
518 | if (arg1 == null) arg1 = "";
519 | if (arg3 == null) arg3 = "";
520 |
521 | fixed (char* arg1Ptr = arg1)
522 | fixed (char* arg3Ptr = arg3)
523 | {
524 | const int NumEventDatas = 3;
525 | var descrs = stackalloc EventData[NumEventDatas];
526 |
527 | descrs[0] = new EventData
528 | {
529 | DataPointer = (IntPtr)(arg1Ptr),
530 | Size = (arg1.Length + 1) * sizeof(char)
531 | };
532 | descrs[1] = new EventData
533 | {
534 | DataPointer = (IntPtr)(&arg2),
535 | Size = sizeof(int)
536 | };
537 | descrs[2] = new EventData
538 | {
539 | DataPointer = (IntPtr)(arg3Ptr),
540 | Size = (arg3.Length + 1) * sizeof(char)
541 | };
542 |
543 | WriteEventCore(eventId, NumEventDatas, descrs);
544 | }
545 | }
546 | }
547 |
548 | [NonEvent]
549 | private unsafe void WriteEvent(int eventId, string? arg1, string? arg2, int arg3)
550 | {
551 | if (IsEnabled())
552 | {
553 | if (arg1 == null) arg1 = "";
554 | if (arg2 == null) arg2 = "";
555 |
556 | fixed (char* arg1Ptr = arg1)
557 | fixed (char* arg2Ptr = arg2)
558 | {
559 | const int NumEventDatas = 3;
560 | var descrs = stackalloc EventData[NumEventDatas];
561 |
562 | descrs[0] = new EventData
563 | {
564 | DataPointer = (IntPtr)(arg1Ptr),
565 | Size = (arg1.Length + 1) * sizeof(char)
566 | };
567 | descrs[1] = new EventData
568 | {
569 | DataPointer = (IntPtr)(arg2Ptr),
570 | Size = (arg2.Length + 1) * sizeof(char)
571 | };
572 | descrs[2] = new EventData
573 | {
574 | DataPointer = (IntPtr)(&arg3),
575 | Size = sizeof(int)
576 | };
577 |
578 | WriteEventCore(eventId, NumEventDatas, descrs);
579 | }
580 | }
581 | }
582 |
583 | [NonEvent]
584 | private unsafe void WriteEvent(int eventId, string? arg1, string? arg2, string? arg3, int arg4)
585 | {
586 | if (IsEnabled())
587 | {
588 | if (arg1 == null) arg1 = "";
589 | if (arg2 == null) arg2 = "";
590 | if (arg3 == null) arg3 = "";
591 |
592 | fixed (char* arg1Ptr = arg1)
593 | fixed (char* arg2Ptr = arg2)
594 | fixed (char* arg3Ptr = arg3)
595 | {
596 | const int NumEventDatas = 4;
597 | var descrs = stackalloc EventData[NumEventDatas];
598 |
599 | descrs[0] = new EventData
600 | {
601 | DataPointer = (IntPtr)(arg1Ptr),
602 | Size = (arg1.Length + 1) * sizeof(char)
603 | };
604 | descrs[1] = new EventData
605 | {
606 | DataPointer = (IntPtr)(arg2Ptr),
607 | Size = (arg2.Length + 1) * sizeof(char)
608 | };
609 | descrs[2] = new EventData
610 | {
611 | DataPointer = (IntPtr)(arg3Ptr),
612 | Size = (arg3.Length + 1) * sizeof(char)
613 | };
614 | descrs[3] = new EventData
615 | {
616 | DataPointer = (IntPtr)(&arg4),
617 | Size = sizeof(int)
618 | };
619 |
620 | WriteEventCore(eventId, NumEventDatas, descrs);
621 | }
622 | }
623 | }
624 |
625 | [NonEvent]
626 | private unsafe void WriteEvent(int eventId, string arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4, int arg5, int arg6, int arg7, int arg8)
627 | {
628 | if (IsEnabled())
629 | {
630 | if (arg1 == null) arg1 = "";
631 |
632 | fixed (char* arg1Ptr = arg1)
633 | {
634 | const int NumEventDatas = 8;
635 | var descrs = stackalloc EventData[NumEventDatas];
636 |
637 | descrs[0] = new EventData
638 | {
639 | DataPointer = (IntPtr)(arg1Ptr),
640 | Size = (arg1.Length + 1) * sizeof(char)
641 | };
642 | descrs[1] = new EventData
643 | {
644 | DataPointer = (IntPtr)(&arg2),
645 | Size = sizeof(int)
646 | };
647 | descrs[2] = new EventData
648 | {
649 | DataPointer = (IntPtr)(&arg3),
650 | Size = sizeof(int)
651 | };
652 | descrs[3] = new EventData
653 | {
654 | DataPointer = (IntPtr)(&arg4),
655 | Size = sizeof(int)
656 | };
657 | descrs[4] = new EventData
658 | {
659 | DataPointer = (IntPtr)(&arg5),
660 | Size = sizeof(int)
661 | };
662 | descrs[5] = new EventData
663 | {
664 | DataPointer = (IntPtr)(&arg6),
665 | Size = sizeof(int)
666 | };
667 | descrs[6] = new EventData
668 | {
669 | DataPointer = (IntPtr)(&arg7),
670 | Size = sizeof(int)
671 | };
672 | descrs[7] = new EventData
673 | {
674 | DataPointer = (IntPtr)(&arg8),
675 | Size = sizeof(int)
676 | };
677 |
678 | WriteEventCore(eventId, NumEventDatas, descrs);
679 | }
680 | }
681 | }
682 |
683 | [NonEvent]
684 | private unsafe void WriteEvent(int eventId, string arg1, string arg2, int arg3, int arg4, int arg5)
685 | {
686 | if (IsEnabled())
687 | {
688 | if (arg1 == null) arg1 = "";
689 | if (arg2 == null) arg2 = "";
690 |
691 | fixed (char* arg1Ptr = arg1)
692 | fixed (char* arg2Ptr = arg2)
693 | {
694 | const int NumEventDatas = 5;
695 | var descrs = stackalloc EventData[NumEventDatas];
696 |
697 | descrs[0] = new EventData
698 | {
699 | DataPointer = (IntPtr)(arg1Ptr),
700 | Size = (arg1.Length + 1) * sizeof(char)
701 | };
702 | descrs[1] = new EventData
703 | {
704 | DataPointer = (IntPtr)(arg2Ptr),
705 | Size = (arg2.Length + 1) * sizeof(char)
706 | };
707 | descrs[2] = new EventData
708 | {
709 | DataPointer = (IntPtr)(&arg3),
710 | Size = sizeof(int)
711 | };
712 | descrs[3] = new EventData
713 | {
714 | DataPointer = (IntPtr)(&arg4),
715 | Size = sizeof(int)
716 | };
717 | descrs[4] = new EventData
718 | {
719 | DataPointer = (IntPtr)(&arg5),
720 | Size = sizeof(int)
721 | };
722 |
723 | WriteEventCore(eventId, NumEventDatas, descrs);
724 | }
725 | }
726 | }
727 | #endregion
728 | }
729 | }