1 | using System;
2 | using System.Collections.Generic;
3 | using HarmonyLib;
4 | using JetBrains.Annotations;
5 |
6 | namespace Webserver {
7 | public static class UserRegistrationTokens {
8 | private const float tokenExpirationMinutes = 3;
9 |
10 | public class RegistrationData {
11 | public readonly string PlayerName;
12 | public readonly DateTime ExpiryTime;
13 | public readonly PlatformUserIdentifierAbs PlatformUserId;
14 | public readonly PlatformUserIdentifierAbs CrossPlatformUserId;
15 |
16 | public RegistrationData (string _playerName, PlatformUserIdentifierAbs _platformUserId, PlatformUserIdentifierAbs _crossPlatformUserId) {
17 | PlayerName = _playerName;
18 | ExpiryTime = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromMinutes (tokenExpirationMinutes);
19 | PlatformUserId = _platformUserId;
20 | CrossPlatformUserId = _crossPlatformUserId;
21 | }
22 | }
23 |
24 | public static bool TryValidate (string _token, out RegistrationData _data) {
25 | return activeTokens.TryGetValue (_token, out _data) && _data.ExpiryTime > DateTime.Now;
26 | }
27 |
28 | private static readonly Dictionary<string, RegistrationData> activeTokens = new Dictionary<string, RegistrationData> ();
29 |
30 | [HarmonyPatch(typeof(ConsoleCmdCreateWebUser))]
31 | [HarmonyPatch("createToken")]
32 | private class CommandPatch {
33 | [UsedImplicitly]
34 | private static bool Prefix (ref string __result, string _playerName, PlatformUserIdentifierAbs _platformUserId, PlatformUserIdentifierAbs _crossPlatformUserId) {
35 | string token = Utils.GenerateGuid ();
36 |
37 | bool hasCrossplatformId = _crossPlatformUserId != null;
38 | DateTime currentTime = DateTime.Now;
39 |
40 | // Check if the user already has a registration attempt running and if so delete the old one
41 | // Also clear out any expired tokens
42 | activeTokens.RemoveAll (_data => _data.ExpiryTime < currentTime || _platformUserId.Equals (_data.PlatformUserId) ||
43 | (hasCrossplatformId && _crossPlatformUserId.Equals (_data.CrossPlatformUserId)));
44 |
45 | RegistrationData data = new RegistrationData (_playerName, _platformUserId, _crossPlatformUserId);
46 | activeTokens [token] = data;
47 |
48 | __result = token;
49 | return false;
50 | }
51 | }
52 |
53 | }
54 | }