1 | openapi: 3.1.0
2 | info:
3 | title: Register User
4 | version: '1'
5 |
6 | components:
7 | schemas:
8 | TypeRegisterUserName:
9 | type: string
10 |
11 | RegisterUserElement:
12 | type: object
13 | properties:
14 | playerName:
15 | type: string
16 | description: In-game user name who requested the registration
17 | expirationSeconds:
18 | type: number
19 | format: double
20 | description: Time until the registration token expires
21 | required:
22 | - playerName
23 | - expirationSeconds
24 |
25 |
26 | requestBodies:
27 | RegisterUserBodyIn:
28 | content:
29 | application/json:
30 | schema:
31 | type: object
32 | properties:
33 | token:
34 | type: string
35 | format: password
36 | username:
37 | type: string
38 | password:
39 | type: string
40 | format: password
41 | required:
42 | - token
43 | - username
44 | - password
45 | required: true
46 |
47 |
48 | parameters:
49 | RegisterUserTokenPathParameter:
50 | name: token
51 | in: path
52 | required: true
53 | schema:
54 | $ref: '#/components/schemas/TypeRegisterUserName'
55 |
56 |
57 | paths:
58 | /api/registeruser:
59 | post:
60 | tags:
61 | - Permissions
62 | summary: Register user submit
63 | description: Finish user registration process
64 | operationId: RegisterUser.post
65 | requestBody:
66 | $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/RegisterUserBodyIn'
67 | responses:
68 | 201:
69 | description: User created or updated
70 | $ref: './openapi.yaml#/components/responses/HttpEmptyEnvelopedResponse'
71 | 400:
72 | description: Invalid request body, errorCode will be one of 'MISSING_TOKEN', 'MISSING_USERNAME' or 'MISSING_PASSWORD'
73 | $ref: './openapi.yaml#/components/responses/HttpEmptyEnvelopedResponse'
74 | 401:
75 | description: Can not proceed due to invalid data, errorCode will be one of 'INVALID_OR_EXPIRED_TOKEN', 'INVALID_USERNAME', 'INVALID_PASSWORD' or 'DUPLICATE_USERNAME'
76 | $ref: './openapi.yaml#/components/responses/HttpEmptyEnvelopedResponse'
77 |
78 |
79 | /api/registeruser/{token}:
80 | get:
81 | tags:
82 | - Permissions
83 | summary: Register user get data
84 | description: Get data for user registration
85 | operationId: RegisterUser.get.id
86 | parameters:
87 | - $ref: '#/components/parameters/RegisterUserTokenPathParameter'
88 | responses:
89 | 200:
90 | description: User registration data
91 | content:
92 | application/json:
93 | schema:
94 | type: object
95 | properties:
96 | data:
97 | $ref: '#/components/schemas/RegisterUserElement'
98 | meta:
99 | $ref: './openapi.yaml#/components/schemas/ResultEnvelopeMeta'
100 | required:
101 | - data
102 | - meta
103 | 400:
104 | description: Invalid request, errorCode will be 'NO_TOKEN'
105 | $ref: './openapi.yaml#/components/responses/HttpEmptyEnvelopedResponse'
106 | 404:
107 | description: Token not found
108 | $ref: './openapi.yaml#/components/responses/HttpEmptyEnvelopedResponse'