using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Reflection; using System.Threading; public class AllocsNetTelnetServer { private static ConsoleSdtd console = null; private static Thread telnetThread = null; private static TcpListener listener = null; private static bool closed = false; private static bool authEnabled = false; private static List conns = new List (); public static void init (int port) { Log.Out ("[7dtd-server-fixes by Alloc] Version: " + Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly ().GetName ().Version); authEnabled = GamePrefs.GetString (EnumGamePrefs.TelnetPassword).Length != 0; if (authEnabled) listener = new TcpListener (IPAddress.Any, port); else listener = new TcpListener (IPAddress.Loopback, port); telnetThread = ThreadMaster.Create ("thread Allocs TelnetListenThread", new ThreadStart (telnetListenThread)); telnetThread.Start (); Log.Out ("Started Allocs NetTelnetServer thread on " + port); } private static void telnetListenThread () { try { Log.Out ("Started thread_Allocs_TelnetListenThread()"); listener.Start (); while (!closed) { Thread.Sleep (10); if (listener.Pending ()) { AllocsTelnetConnection c = new AllocsTelnetConnection (listener.AcceptTcpClient (), authEnabled); conns.Add (c); Log.Out ("Telnet connection from: " + c.GetEndPoint ()); if (authEnabled) { c.WriteLine ("Please enter password:"); } else { LoginMessage (c); } } foreach (AllocsTelnetConnection c in conns) { if (c.IsClosed ()) { c.Close (); conns.Remove (c); break; } if (c.Read ()) { string line = lineCorrecter (c.GetLine ()); if (!c.IsAuthenticated ()) { if (line.Equals (GamePrefs.GetString (EnumGamePrefs.TelnetPassword))) { c.SetAuthenticated (); c.WriteLine ("Logon successful."); c.WriteLine (string.Empty); c.WriteLine (string.Empty); c.WriteLine (string.Empty); LoginMessage (c); } else { c.WriteLine ("Password incorrect, please enter password:"); } } else { if (line.ToLower ().Equals ("exit")) { Log.Out ("Telnet connection closed by client: " + c.GetEndPoint ()); c.Close (); conns.Remove (c); break; } Log.Out ("Telnet executed \"" + line + "\" from: " + c.GetEndPoint ()); console.md000f (line); } } } } Log.Out ("Exited thread_Allocs_TelnetListenThread()"); ThreadMaster.Remove (Thread.CurrentThread.Name); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Out ("Error in Allocs telnetListenThread: " + ex.Message); Log.Out ("Stack Trace: " + ex.StackTrace); } } private static void LoginMessage (AllocsTelnetConnection c) { c.WriteLine ("*** Connected with 7DTD server."); c.WriteLine ("*** Server version: Alpha 8.7 (b29) Compatibility Version: Alpha 8.7"); c.WriteLine ("*** Allocs server fixes loaded"); c.WriteLine (string.Empty); c.WriteLine ("Server IP: " + ((GamePrefs.GetString (EnumGamePrefs.ServerIP) != null && GamePrefs.GetString (EnumGamePrefs.ServerIP).Length != 0) ? GamePrefs.GetString (EnumGamePrefs.ServerIP) : "Any") ); c.WriteLine ("Server port: " + GamePrefs.GetInt (EnumGamePrefs.ServerPort)); c.WriteLine ("Max players: " + GamePrefs.GetInt (EnumGamePrefs.ServerMaxPlayerCount)); c.WriteLine ("Game mode: " + GamePrefs.GetString (EnumGamePrefs.GameMode)); c.WriteLine ("World: " + GamePrefs.GetString (EnumGamePrefs.GameWorld)); c.WriteLine ("Game name: " + GamePrefs.GetString (EnumGamePrefs.GameName)); c.WriteLine ("Difficulty: " + GamePrefs.GetInt (EnumGamePrefs.GameDifficulty)); c.WriteLine (string.Empty); c.WriteLine ("Press 'help' to get a list of all commands. Press 'exit' to end session."); c.WriteLine (string.Empty); } private static string lineCorrecter (string line) { string res = ""; for (int i = 0; i < line.Length; i++) { if (line [i] >= ' ' && line [i] != '\'' && line [i] <= '~') { res += line [i]; } } return res.Trim (); } public static void Disconnect () { closed = true; if (listener != null) { listener.Stop (); } foreach (AllocsTelnetConnection c in conns) { c.Close (); } Thread.Sleep (100); } public static void SetConsole (ConsoleSdtd console) { Log.Out("Telnet SetConsole called"); AllocsNetTelnetServer.console = console; console.AddCommand(new GetGamePrefs(console)); console.AddCommand(new GetTime(console)); console.AddCommand(new ListPlayersExtended(console)); console.AddCommand(new SayToPlayer(console)); console.AddCommand(new SetTimeReal(console)); } private static void RemoveClosedConnections () { foreach (AllocsTelnetConnection c in conns) { if (c.IsClosed ()) { c.Close (); } } } public static void WriteToClient (string line) { if (line == null) { return; } RemoveClosedConnections (); foreach (AllocsTelnetConnection c in conns) { if (c.IsAuthenticated ()) c.WriteLine (line); } } }