using System; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using UnityEngine; namespace AllocsFixes.PersistentData { [Serializable] public class Player { private readonly string steamId; private int entityId; private string name; private string ip; private long totalPlayTime; [OptionalField] private DateTime lastOnline; private Inventory inventory; [OptionalField] private int lastPositionX, lastPositionY, lastPositionZ; [OptionalField] [Obsolete ("experience no longer available, use level and expToNextLevel instead")] private uint experience; [OptionalField] private bool chatMuted; [OptionalField] private int maxChatLength; [OptionalField] private string chatColor; [OptionalField] private bool chatName; [OptionalField] private uint expToNextLevel; [OptionalField] private int level; [NonSerialized] private ClientInfo clientInfo; public string SteamID { get { return steamId; } } public int EntityID { get { return entityId; } } public string Name { get { return name == null ? string.Empty : name; } } public string IP { get { return ip == null ? string.Empty : ip; } } public Inventory Inventory { get { if (inventory == null) { inventory = new Inventory (); } return inventory; } } public bool IsOnline { get { return clientInfo != null; } } public ClientInfo ClientInfo { get { return clientInfo; } } public EntityPlayer Entity { get { if (IsOnline) { return GameManager.Instance.World.Players.dict [clientInfo.entityId]; } return null; } } public long TotalPlayTime { get { if (IsOnline) { return totalPlayTime + (long) (DateTime.Now - lastOnline).TotalSeconds; } return totalPlayTime; } } public DateTime LastOnline { get { if (IsOnline) { return DateTime.Now; } return lastOnline; } } public Vector3i LastPosition { get { if (IsOnline) { return new Vector3i (Entity.GetPosition ()); } return new Vector3i (lastPositionX, lastPositionY, lastPositionZ); } } public bool LandProtectionActive { get { return GameManager.Instance.World.IsLandProtectionValidForPlayer (GameManager.Instance .GetPersistentPlayerList ().GetPlayerData (SteamID)); } } public float LandProtectionMultiplier { get { return GameManager.Instance.World.GetLandProtectionHardnessModifierForPlayer (GameManager.Instance .GetPersistentPlayerList ().GetPlayerData (SteamID)); } } [Obsolete ("Experience no longer available, use Level instead")] public uint Experience { get { return 0; } } public float Level { get { float expForNextLevel = (int) Math.Min (Progression.BaseExpToLevel * Mathf.Pow (Progression.ExpMultiplier, level + 1), int.MaxValue); float fLevel = level + 1f - expToNextLevel / expForNextLevel; return fLevel; } } public bool IsChatMuted { get { return chatMuted; } set { chatMuted = value; } } public int MaxChatLength { get { if (maxChatLength == 0) { maxChatLength = 255; } return maxChatLength; } set { maxChatLength = value; } } public string ChatColor { get { if (chatColor == null || chatColor == "") { chatColor = ""; } return chatColor; } set { chatColor = value; } } public bool ChatName { get { return chatName; } set { chatName = value; } } public Player (string _steamId) { steamId = _steamId; inventory = new Inventory (); } public void SetOffline () { if (clientInfo == null) { return; } Log.Out ("Player set to offline: " + steamId); lastOnline = DateTime.Now; try { Vector3i lastPos = new Vector3i (Entity.GetPosition ()); lastPositionX = lastPos.x; lastPositionY = lastPos.y; lastPositionZ = lastPos.z; totalPlayTime += (long) (Time.timeSinceLevelLoad - Entity.CreationTimeSinceLevelLoad); } catch (NullReferenceException) { Log.Out ("Entity not available. Something seems to be wrong here..."); } clientInfo = null; } public void SetOnline (ClientInfo _ci) { Log.Out ("Player set to online: " + steamId); clientInfo = _ci; entityId = _ci.entityId; name = _ci.playerName; ip = _ci.ip; lastOnline = DateTime.Now; } public void Update (PlayerDataFile _pdf) { UpdateProgression (_pdf); inventory.Update (_pdf); } private void UpdateProgression (PlayerDataFile _pdf) { if (_pdf.progressionData.Length <= 0) { return; } using (PooledBinaryReader pbr = MemoryPools.poolBinaryReader.AllocSync (false)) { pbr.SetBaseStream (_pdf.progressionData); long posBefore = pbr.BaseStream.Position; pbr.BaseStream.Position = 0; Progression p = Progression.Read (pbr, null); pbr.BaseStream.Position = posBefore; expToNextLevel = (uint) p.ExpToNextLevel; level = p.Level; } } } }