using System; using System.Collections.Generic; public class PlayerDataStuff { public class PlayerItems { public SortedList belt = new SortedList (); public SortedList bag = new SortedList (); public PlayerItems (InventoryField[] belt, InventoryField[] bag) { foreach (InventoryField item in belt) { if (item.count > 0) { this.belt.Add (getInvFieldName (item), item.count); } } foreach (InventoryField item in bag) { if (item.count > 0) { this.bag.Add (getInvFieldName (item), item.count); } } } }; private static Dictionary itemsPerEntityId = new Dictionary (); public static PlayerItems GetPlayerItems (int entityId) { if (itemsPerEntityId.ContainsKey (entityId)) return itemsPerEntityId [entityId]; else return null; } public static void GM_SavePlayerData (GameManager manager, int _clientId, PlayerDataFile _playerDataFile) { if (manager.connectionManager.mapClientToEntity.ContainsKey (_clientId)) { int entityId = manager.connectionManager.mapClientToEntity [_clientId]; Log.Out ("Saving playerData for entity id: " + entityId); if (itemsPerEntityId.ContainsKey(entityId)) itemsPerEntityId.Remove(entityId); itemsPerEntityId.Add (entityId, new PlayerItems (_playerDataFile.inventory, _playerDataFile.bag)); } /* Log.Out ("Inventory of player:"); for (int i = 0; i < _playerDataFile.inventory.Length; i++) { InventoryField item = _playerDataFile.inventory [i]; printItem (item, i); } Log.Out ("Bag of player:"); for (int i = 0; i < _playerDataFile.bag.Length; i++) { InventoryField item = _playerDataFile.bag [i]; printItem (item, i); }*/ } private static string getInvFieldName (InventoryField item) { ItemBase iBase = ItemBase.list [item.itemValue.type]; string name =; if (iBase.IsBlock ()) { ItemBlock iBlock = (ItemBlock)iBase; name = iBlock.GetItemName (item.itemValue); } return name; } private static void printItem (InventoryField item, int slot) { if (item.count > 0) { ItemBase iBase = ItemBase.list [item.itemValue.type]; string name =; if (iBase.IsBlock ()) { ItemBlock iBlock = (ItemBlock)iBase; name = iBlock.GetItemName (item.itemValue); } Log.Out (string.Format ("Slot {0:00}: {1:00} * {2}", slot, item.count, name)); } } }