using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using UnityEngine; namespace AllocsFixes.CustomCommands { public class ExportItemIcons : ConsoleCmdAbstract { public override string GetDescription () { return "Exports all ItemIcons"; } public override string GetHelp () { return "Exports all ItemIcons currently in the game to the folder \"ItemIcons\" in the game root"; } public override string[] GetCommands () { return new string[] { "exportitemicons" }; } public override void Execute (List _params, CommandSenderInfo _senderInfo) { string exportPath = Utils.GetGameDir ("ItemIcons"); GameObject atlasObj = GameObject.Find ("/NGUI Root (2D)/ItemIconAtlas"); if (atlasObj == null) { SdtdConsole.Instance.Output ("Atlas object not found"); return; } DynamicUIAtlas atlas = atlasObj.GetComponent (); if (atlas == null) { SdtdConsole.Instance.Output ("Atlas component not found"); return; } Texture2D atlasTex = atlas.texture as Texture2D; if (Directory.Exists (exportPath)) { SdtdConsole.Instance.Output ("Export path (" + exportPath + ") already exists"); return; } Directory.CreateDirectory (exportPath); foreach (UISpriteData data in atlas.spriteList) { string name =; Texture2D tex = new Texture2D (data.width, data.height, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false); tex.SetPixels (atlasTex.GetPixels (data.x, atlasTex.height - data.height - data.y, data.width, data.height)); byte[] pixData = tex.EncodeToPNG (); File.WriteAllBytes (exportPath + "/" + name + ".png", pixData); UnityEngine.Object.Destroy (tex); } } } }