// =============================================================================================== // Constants var REGIONSIZE = 512; var CHUNKSIZE = 16; var TILESIZE = 128; var MAXZOOM = 4; var BAG_COLS = 8; var BAG_ROWS = 4; var BELT_COLS = 8; var INV_ITEM_WIDTH = 58; var INV_ITEM_HEIGHT = 40; function initMap() { // =============================================================================================== // 7dtd coordinate transformations SDTD_Projection = { project: function (latlng) { return new L.Point( (latlng.lat) / Math.pow(2, MAXZOOM), (latlng.lng) / Math.pow(2, MAXZOOM) ); }, unproject: function (point) { return new L.LatLng( point.x * Math.pow(2, MAXZOOM), point.y * Math.pow(2, MAXZOOM) ); } }; SDTD_CRS = L.extend({}, L.CRS.Simple, { projection: SDTD_Projection, transformation: new L.Transformation(1, 0, -1, 0), scale: function (zoom) { return Math.pow(2, zoom); } }); var CoordToChunk = function(latlng) { var x = Math.floor(((latlng.lat + 16777216) / CHUNKSIZE) - (16777216 / CHUNKSIZE)); var y = Math.floor(((latlng.lng + 16777216) / CHUNKSIZE) - (16777216 / CHUNKSIZE)); return L.latLng(x, y); } var CoordToRegion = function(latlng) { var x = Math.floor(((latlng.lat + 16777216) / REGIONSIZE) - (16777216 / REGIONSIZE)); var y = Math.floor(((latlng.lng + 16777216) / REGIONSIZE) - (16777216 / REGIONSIZE)); return L.latLng(x, y); } var FormatCoord = function(latlng) { return "" + Math.abs(latlng.lng) + (latlng.lng>=0 ? " N" : " S") + " / " + Math.abs(latlng.lat) + (latlng.lat>=0 ? " E" : " W"); } var FormatRegionFileName = function(latlng) { return "r." + latlng.lat + "." + latlng.lng + ".7rg"; } // =============================================================================================== // Map and basic tile layers var tileTime = new Date().getTime(); map = L.map('map', { zoomControl: false, // Added by Zoomslider zoomsliderControl: true, attributionControl: false, crs: SDTD_CRS }).setView([0, 0], Math.max(0, MAXZOOM-5)); var tileLayer = L.tileLayer('../map/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?t={time}', { maxZoom:MAXZOOM+1, minZoom: Math.max(0, MAXZOOM-5), maxNativeZoom: MAXZOOM, tileSize: TILESIZE, continuousWorld: true, tms: true, unloadInvisibleTiles: false, time: function() { return tileTime; } }).addTo(map); // TileLayer w/ TMS=true fix for zoomlevel >= 8 tileLayer._getWrapTileNum = function () { return L.point(0, 0); }; var tileLayerMiniMap = L.tileLayer('../map/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?t={time}', { maxZoom: MAXZOOM, minZoom: 0, maxNativeZoom: MAXZOOM, tileSize: TILESIZE, continuousWorld: true, tms: true, unloadInvisibleTiles: false, time: function() { return tileTime; } }); var regionLayer = L.tileLayer.canvas({ maxZoom: MAXZOOM+1, minZoom: 0, maxNativeZoom: MAXZOOM+1, tileSize: TILESIZE, continuousWorld: true }); regionLayer.drawTile = function(canvas, tilePoint, zoom) { var blockWorldSize = TILESIZE * Math.pow(2, MAXZOOM-zoom); var tileLeft = tilePoint.x * blockWorldSize; var tileBottom = (-1-tilePoint.y) * blockWorldSize; var blockPos = L.latLng(tileLeft, tileBottom); var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); ctx.strokeStyle = "lightblue"; ctx.fillStyle = "lightblue"; ctx.lineWidth = 1; ctx.font="14px Arial"; var lineCount = blockWorldSize / REGIONSIZE; if (lineCount >= 1) { var pos = 0; while (pos < TILESIZE) { // Vertical ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(pos, 0); ctx.lineTo(pos, TILESIZE); ctx.stroke(); // Horizontal ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(0, pos); ctx.lineTo(TILESIZE, pos); ctx.stroke(); pos += TILESIZE / lineCount; } ctx.fillText(FormatRegionFileName(CoordToRegion(blockPos)), 4, TILESIZE-5); } else { if ((tileLeft % REGIONSIZE) == 0) { // Vertical ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(0, 0); ctx.lineTo(0, TILESIZE); ctx.stroke(); } if ((tileBottom % REGIONSIZE) == 0) { // Horizontal ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(0, TILESIZE); ctx.lineTo(TILESIZE, TILESIZE); ctx.stroke(); } if ((tileLeft % REGIONSIZE) == 0 && (tileBottom % REGIONSIZE) == 0) { ctx.fillText(FormatRegionFileName(CoordToRegion(blockPos)), 4, TILESIZE-5); } } } // =============================================================================================== // Reload control L.Control.ReloadTiles = L.Control.extend({ options: { position: 'bottomleft' }, onAdd: function (map) { var name = 'control-reloadtiles', container = L.DomUtil.create('div', name + ' leaflet-bar'); this._map = map; this._reloadbutton = this._createButton( "Reload tiles", "Reload tiles", name + "-btn", container, this._reload, this); return container; }, onRemove: function (map) { }, _reload: function (e) { tileTime = new Date().getTime(); tileLayer.redraw(); tileLayerMiniMap.redraw(); }, _createButton: function (html, title, className, container, fn, context) { var link = L.DomUtil.create('a', className, container); link.innerHTML = html; link.href = '#'; link.title = title; var stop = L.DomEvent.stopPropagation; L.DomEvent .on(link, 'click', stop) .on(link, 'mousedown', stop) .on(link, 'dblclick', stop) .on(link, 'click', L.DomEvent.preventDefault) .on(link, 'click', fn, context) .on(link, 'click', this._refocusOnMap, context); return link; } }); new L.Control.ReloadTiles({ }).addTo(map); // =============================================================================================== // Coordinates control //
// MouseCoords: //
L.Control.Coordinates = L.Control.extend({ options: { position: 'bottomleft' }, onAdd: function (map) { var name = 'control-coordinates', container = L.DomUtil.create('div', name + ' leaflet-bar'); container.innerHTML = "- N / - E" this._map = map; this._div = container; map.on('mousemove', this._onMouseMove, this); return container; }, onRemove: function (map) { }, _onMouseMove: function (e) { this._div.innerHTML = FormatCoord(e.latlng); } }); new L.Control.Coordinates({ }).addTo(map); // =============================================================================================== // Overlays and controls var playersOnlineMarkerGroup = L.layerGroup(); var playersOfflineMarkerGroup = L.markerClusterGroup({ maxClusterRadius: function(zoom) { return zoom == MAXZOOM ? 10 : 50; } }); var landClaimsGroup = L.layerGroup(); var landClaimsClusterGroup = L.markerClusterGroup({ disableClusteringAtZoom: MAXZOOM, singleMarkerMode: true, maxClusterRadius: 50 }); var landClaimsRectGroup = L.layerGroup(); landClaimsGroup.addLayer(landClaimsClusterGroup); landClaimsGroup.addLayer(landClaimsRectGroup); var maxZoomForCluster = 4; var baseLayers = { //"Map": tileLayer }; var overlays = { "Land claims" : landClaimsGroup, "Players (offline) (0)" : playersOfflineMarkerGroup, "Players (online) (0)" : playersOnlineMarkerGroup, "Region files": regionLayer, }; L.control.layers(baseLayers, overlays, { collapsed: false }).addTo(map); var miniMap = new L.Control.MiniMap(tileLayerMiniMap, { zoomLevelOffset: -6, toggleDisplay: true }).addTo(map); var playersMappingList = {}; // =============================================================================================== // Inventory dialog var showInv = function(steamid) { $.getJSON( "../api/getplayerinventory", { steamid: steamid }) .done(function(data) { $("#invPlayerName").text(playersMappingList[steamid].name); for (var y = 0; y < BAG_ROWS; y++) { for (var x = 0; x < BAG_COLS; x++) { if (data.bag[y*BAG_COLS+x].count > 0) { $("#bagField"+x+"_"+y).attr("style", "background-image: url(itemimages/" + data.bag[y*BAG_COLS+x].name + ".png);"); $("#bagFieldText"+x+"_"+y).text(data.bag[y*BAG_COLS+x].count); } else { $("#bagField"+x+"_"+y).attr("style", "background-image: none;"); $("#bagFieldText"+x+"_"+y).text(""); } } } for (var x = 0; x < BELT_COLS; x++) { if (data.belt[x].count > 0) { $("#beltField"+x).attr("style", "background-image: url(itemimages/" + data.belt[x].name + ".png);"); $("#beltFieldText"+x).text(data.belt[x].count); } else { $("#beltField"+x).attr("style", "background-image: none;"); $("#beltFieldText"+x).text(""); } } $( "#playerInventoryDialog" ).css("z-index", "1010").dialog({ modal: true, width: BAG_COLS*(INV_ITEM_WIDTH+14) + 20, buttons: { Ok: function() { $( this ).dialog( "close" ); } } }); }) .fail(function(jqxhr, textStatus, error) { console.log("Error fetching player inventory"); }) .always(function() { }); }; for (var y = 0; y < BAG_ROWS; y++) { $("#bagTable").append(""); for (var x = 0; x < BAG_COLS; x++) { $("#bagRow"+y).append( "" + "" + ""); } } $("#beltTable").append(""); for (var x = 0; x < BELT_COLS; x++) { $("#beltRow0").append( "" + "" + ""); } // =============================================================================================== // Player markers $(".leaflet-popup-pane").on('click.action', '.inventoryButton', function(event) { showInv($(this).data('steamid')); }); var setPlayerMarkers = function(data) { var online = 0; var offline = 0; $.each( data, function( key, val ) { var marker; if (playersMappingList.hasOwnProperty(val.steamid)) { marker = playersMappingList[val.steamid].currentPosMarker; marker.setLatLng([val.position.x, val.position.z]); } else { marker = L.marker([val.position.x, val.position.z]).bindPopup( "Player: " + val.name + "
" + "Show inventory" ); playersMappingList[val.steamid] = { online: !val.online }; } if (playersMappingList[val.steamid].online != val.online) { if (val.online) { marker.setOpacity(1.0); playersOfflineMarkerGroup.removeLayer(marker); playersOnlineMarkerGroup.addLayer(marker); } else { marker.setOpacity(0.5); playersOnlineMarkerGroup.removeLayer(marker); playersOfflineMarkerGroup.addLayer(marker); } } val.currentPosMarker = marker; playersMappingList[val.steamid] = val; if (val.online) online++; else offline++; }); $( "#mapControlOnlineCount" ).text( online ); $( "#mapControlOfflineCount" ).text( offline ); } var updatePlayerEvent = function() { $.getJSON( "../api/getplayerslocation") .done(setPlayerMarkers) .fail(function(jqxhr, textStatus, error) { console.log("Error fetching players list"); }) .always(function() { window.setTimeout(updatePlayerEvent, 2000); }); } window.setTimeout(updatePlayerEvent, 500); // =============================================================================================== // Land claim markers var setLandClaims = function(data) { landClaimsClusterGroup.clearLayers(); landClaimsRectGroup.clearLayers(); var claimPower = Math.floor(Math.log(data.claimsize) / Math.LN2); var maxClusterZoomUnlimited = MAXZOOM - (claimPower - 3); var maxClusterZoomLimitedMax = Math.min(maxClusterZoomUnlimited, MAXZOOM+1); maxZoomForCluster = Math.max(maxClusterZoomLimitedMax, 0); checkClaimClustering({target: map}); var sizeHalf = Math.floor(data.claimsize / 2); $.each( data.claimowners, function( key, val ) { var steamid = val.steamid; var active = val.claimactive; var color = active ? "#55ff55" : "#ff0000"; $.each( val.claims, function( key, val ) { var pos = L.latLng(val.x, val.z); var bounds = L.latLngBounds(L.latLng(val.x - sizeHalf, val.z - sizeHalf), L.latLng(val.x + sizeHalf, val.z + sizeHalf)); var r = L.rectangle(bounds, {color: color, weight: 1, opacity: 0.8, fillOpacity: 0.15}); var m = L.marker(pos, { clickable: false, keyboard: false, zIndexOffset:-1000, iconSize: [0,0], icon: L.divIcon({className: 'invisIcon', iconSize:[0,0]}) }); if (playersMappingList.hasOwnProperty(steamid)) { var name = playersMappingList[steamid].name; } else { var name = "unknown" } r.bindPopup("Owner: " + name + " ("+steamid+")
Position: " + val.x + " / " + val.y + " / " + val.z); landClaimsRectGroup.addLayer(r); landClaimsClusterGroup.addLayer(m); }); }); } var updateClaimsEvent = function() { $.getJSON( "../api/getlandclaims") .done(setLandClaims) .fail(function(jqxhr, textStatus, error) { console.log("Error fetching land claim list"); }) .always(function() { //updateClaimTimer = window.setTimeout(updateClaimsEvent, 3000); }); } // =============================================================================================== // Layer events var updateClaimTimer; map.on('overlayadd', function(e) { if (e.layer == landClaimsGroup) { updateClaimsEvent(); } }); map.on('overlayremove', function(e) { if (e.layer == landClaimsGroup) { //window.clearTimeout(updateClaimTimer); } }); var checkClaimClustering = function(e) { if (e.target._zoom >= maxZoomForCluster) { landClaimsGroup.removeLayer(landClaimsClusterGroup); } else { landClaimsGroup.addLayer(landClaimsClusterGroup); } }; map.on('zoomend', checkClaimClustering); } $.getJSON( "../map/mapinfo.json") .done(function(data) { TILESIZE = data.blockSize; MAXZOOM = data.maxZoom; }) .fail(function(jqxhr, textStatus, error) { console.log("Error fetching map information"); }) .always(function() { initMap(); });