#!/bin/bash INSTALLOPTIONALDEPS=0 ADDCRONJOBS=0 RUNINSTALL=0 DEPENDENCIES="xvfb mono-runtime screen rsync libxml2-utils" OPTDEPENDENCIES="sendemail sendxmpp" if [ -n "$(command -v apt-get)" ]; then ISDEBIAN=1 else ISDEBIAN=0 fi if [ $(uname -m) == 'x86_64' ]; then IS64BIT=1 else IS64BIT=0 fi if [[ $IS64BIT == 1 ]]; then DEPENDENCIES="$DEPENDENCIES lib32gcc1 wine:i386" else DEPENDENCIES="$DEPENDENCIES wine" fi showHelp() { echo "Usage: ./bootstrap.sh [-h] [-o] [-c] -i" echo "Parameters:" echo " -h Print this help screen and exit" echo " -o Install optional dependencies ($OPTDEPENDENCIES)" echo " -c Add cron jobs for save backups and memory checking" echo " -i Required to actually start the installation" } intro() { echo echo "7DtD Linux dedicated server bootstrapper" echo echo "This will install a 7DtD server according to the information" echo "given on:" echo " http://7daystodie.gamepedia.com/Linux_Server" echo read -p "Press enter to continue" echo -e "\n=============================================================\n\n" } nonDebianWarning() { if [[ $ISDEBIAN == 0 ]]; then echo "NOTE: It seems like this system is not based on Debian." echo "Although installation of the scripts and SteamCMD/7dtd" echo "will work the installed management scripts will probably" echo "*NOT* work out of the box and installation of dependencies" echo "will fail too." echo "Do you want to continue anyway?" select yn in "Yes" "No"; do case $yn in Yes) echo "Continuing..." break;; No) echo "Aborting." exit 0 ;; esac done echo -e "\n=============================================================\n\n" fi } installAptDeps() { echo -e "Installing dependencies\n" if [[ $IS64BIT == 1 ]]; then dpkg --add-architecture i386 fi apt-get update apt-get install $DEPENDENCIES echo -e "\n=============================================================\n\n" } installOptionalDeps() { echo -e "Installing optional dependencies\n" apt-get install $OPTDEPENDENCIES echo -e "\n=============================================================\n\n" } setupUser() { echo -e "Setting up user and group \"sdtd\"\n" useradd -d /home/sdtd -m -r -s /bin/bash -U sdtd echo -e "\n=============================================================\n\n" } installManagementScripts() { echo -e "Downloading and installing management scripts\n" wget -nv http://illy.bz/fi/7dtd/management_scripts.tar.gz -O /tmp/management_scripts.tar.gz tar -xzf /tmp/management_scripts.tar.gz --no-same-owner --owner=root --group=root -C / chmod go-rwx /etc/7dtd.conf chmod +x /etc/init.d/7dtd.sh chmod +x /usr/local/bin/7dtd-* if [[ $ISDEBIAN == 1 ]]; then update-rc.d 7dtd.sh defaults fi echo -e "\n=============================================================\n\n" } setSteamLoginData() { echo -e "Steam account data\n" echo "Please enter your Steam login data for SteamCMD to get the 7dtd-server files:" read -p "Steam username: " username read -s -p "Steam password: " password sed -i "s/export STEAM_USER=/export STEAM_USER=$username/" /etc/7dtd.conf sed -i "s/export STEAM_PASS=/export STEAM_PASS=$password/" /etc/7dtd.conf echo -e "\n=============================================================\n\n" } installSteamCmdAndSDTD() { echo -e "Installing SteamCMD and 7DtD\n" 7dtd-update.sh cp -p /home/sdtd/7dtd/serverconfig.xml /home/sdtd/ echo -e "\n=============================================================\n\n" } setupServerConfig() { echo -e "Setting up basic 7DtD server config\n" until [[ $public == "y" || $public == "n" ]]; do read -p "Should the server be public [yn]? " public done if [[ "$public" == "y" ]]; then public=true; else public=false; fi echo read -p "Server name: " servername echo read -p "Server password (empty for none): " serverpassword echo echo "Select world to play on:" select worldname in "Navezgane" "MP Forest Horde" "MP Forest Skirmish" "MP Wasteland Horde" "MP Wasteland Skirmish" "MP Wasteland War"; do if [[ -n $worldname ]]; then break fi done echo echo "Select game mode:" select gamemode in "GameModeSurvival" "GameModeZombieHorde" "GameModeDeathmatch"; do if [[ -n $gamemode ]]; then break fi done echo read -p "Game name: " gamename echo read -p "Difficulty (0-4): " difficulty echo sed -i "s/name=\"ServerIsPublic\".*value=\"[^\"]*\"/name=\"ServerIsPublic\" value=\"$public\"/" /home/sdtd/serverconfig.xml sed -i "s/name=\"ServerName\".*value=\"[^\"]*\"/name=\"ServerName\" value=\"$servername\"/" /home/sdtd/serverconfig.xml sed -i "s/name=\"ServerPassword\".*value=\"[^\"]*\"/name=\"ServerPassword\" value=\"$serverpassword\"/" /home/sdtd/serverconfig.xml sed -i "s/name=\"GameWorld\".*value=\"[^\"]*\"/name=\"GameWorld\" value=\"$worldname\"/" /home/sdtd/serverconfig.xml sed -i "s/name=\"GameName\".*value=\"[^\"]*\"/name=\"GameName\" value=\"$gamename\"/" /home/sdtd/serverconfig.xml sed -i "s/name=\"GameDifficulty\".*value=\"[^\"]*\"/name=\"GameDifficulty\" value=\"$difficulty\"/" /home/sdtd/serverconfig.xml sed -i "s/name=\"GameMode\".*value=\"[^\"]*\"/name=\"GameMode\" value=\"$gamemode\"/" /home/sdtd/serverconfig.xml sed -i "s/name=\"TelnetPort\".*value=\"[^\"]*\"/name=\"TelnetPort\" value=\"25003\"/" /home/sdtd/serverconfig.xml echo -e "\n=============================================================\n\n" } addCronJobs() { echo -e "Adding cron jobs\n" echo -e "By default a backup of the save folder will be created once" echo -e " per hour. This can be changed in /etc/cron.d/7dtd-backup." echo -e "Memory monitor will be run every five minutes by default." echo -e " This can be changed in /etc/cron.d/7dtd-check_mem." echo "0 * * * * root /usr/local/bin/7dtd-backup.sh" > /etc/cron.d/7dtd-backup echo "*/5 * * * * root /usr/local/bin/7dtd-check_mem.sh" > /etc/cron.d/7dtd-check_mem echo -e "\nNOTE: Do not forget to edit /etc/7dtd.conf to match\nyour notification needs!" echo -e "\n=============================================================\n\n" } finish() { echo -e "\n ALL DONE\n" echo -e "You should now be able to start your 7dtd server by running\n" echo -e " 7dtd-start.sh\n" echo echo -e "For further configuration options check:" echo -e " /etc/7dtd.conf" echo -e " /home/sdtd/serverconfig.xml" echo echo -e "For feedback, suggestions, problems please visit the forum:" echo -e " http://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?2188" echo } main() { intro nonDebianWarning if [[ $ISDEBIAN == 1 ]]; then installAptDeps if [[ $INSTALLOPTIONALDEPS == 1 ]]; then installOptionalDeps echo fi fi setupUser installManagementScripts setSteamLoginData installSteamCmdAndSDTD if [[ $ADDCRONJOBS == 1 ]]; then addCronJobs fi setupServerConfig finish } if [[ -z $1 ]]; then showHelp exit 0 fi while getopts "hcoi" opt; do case "$opt" in h) showHelp exit 0 ;; c) ADDCRONJOBS=1 ;; o) INSTALLOPTIONALDEPS=1 ;; i) RUNINSTALL=1 ;; esac done if [[ $RUNINSTALL == 1 ]]; then main fi