#!/bin/bash # Version 3 # Provides common functions for 7dtd-scripts. Not intended to be run directly. # Check if the script is run as root (exit otherwise) and load global config checkRootLoadConf() { if [ `id -u` -ne 0 ]; then echo "This script has to be run as root!" exit 10 fi . /etc/7dtd.conf } # Get the config path for the given instance # Params: # 1: Instance name # Returns: # Config path for instance getInstancePath() { echo $SDTD_BASE/instances/$1 } # Check if the given instance name is an existing instance # Params: # 1: Instance name # Returns: # 0/1 instance not valid/valid isValidInstance() { if [ -z $1 ]; then echo 0 else if [ ! -d $(getInstancePath $1) ]; then echo 0 else if [ ! -f $(getInstancePath $1)/config.xml ]; then echo 0 else echo 1 fi fi fi } # Check if the given instance is valid, exit the script otherwise # Params: # 1: instance name checkInstanceValid() { if [ -z $1 ]; then echo "Missing parameter " exit 1 fi if [ $(isValidInstance $1) -eq 0 ]; then echo "'$1' is not a valid instance" exit 1 fi } # Check if the given instance is currently running # Params: # 1: Instance name # Returns: # 0 = not running # 1 = running isRunning() { start-stop-daemon --status --pidfile $(getInstancePath $1)/7dtd.pid if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo 1 else echo 0 fi } # Get list of defined instances # Returns: # List of instances getInstanceList() { for IF in $SDTD_BASE/instances/*; do I=`basename $IF` if [ $(isValidInstance $I) -eq 1 ]; then echo $I fi done } # Get the PID of the instance if it is running, 0 otherwise # Params: # 1: Instance name # Returns: # 0 if not running # PID otherwise getInstancePID() { if [ $(isRunning $1) -eq 1 ]; then cat $(getInstancePath $1)/7dtd.pid else echo 0 fi } # Get a single value from a serverconfig # Params: # 1: Instance name # 2: Property name # Returns: # Property value getConfigValue() { CONF=$(getInstancePath $1)/config.xml xmlstarlet sel -t -v "/ServerSettings/property[@name='$2']/@value" $CONF } # Send a single command to the telnet port # Params: # 1: Instance name # 2: Command # Returns: # String of telnet output telnetCommand() { TEL_ENABLED=$(getConfigValue $1 TelnetEnabled) TEL_PORT=$(getConfigValue $1 TelnetPort) TEL_PASS=$(getConfigValue $1 TelnetPassword) if [ "$TEL_ENABLED" = "true" ] && [ -n "$TEL_PASS" ]; then echo -e "$TEL_PASS\n$2\nexit" | nc -q 2 $TEL_PORT else echo "Telnet not enabled or no password set." fi }