1 | #!/bin/bash
2 |
3 | # Copyright 2016 Christian 'Alloc' Illy
4 | #
5 | # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6 | # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7 | # You may obtain a copy of the License at
8 | #
9 | # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10 | #
11 | # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12 | # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13 | # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14 | # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15 | # limitations under the License.
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 | sdtdSubcommandInstancesList() {
20 | printf "%-*s | %-*s | %-*s | %-*s | %-*s | %-*s\n" 20 "Instance name" 8 "Running" 7 "Players" 9 "Game Port" 11 "Dashb. Port" 6 "Telnet"
21 | printf -v line "%*s-+-%*s-+-%*s-+-%*s-+-%*s-+-%*s\n" 20 " " 8 " " 7 " " 9 " " 11 " " 6 " "
22 | echo ${line// /-}
23 | for I in $(getInstanceList); do
24 | if [ $(isRunning $I) -eq 1 ]; then
25 | run="yes"
26 | cur=$(telnetCommand $I lp | grep -aE "^\s?Total of " | cut -d\ -f 3)
27 | else
28 | run="no"
29 | cur="-"
30 | fi
31 |
32 | if [ -z $cur ]; then
33 | cur="?"
34 | fi
35 | max=$(getConfigValue $I ServerMaxPlayerCount)
36 | port=$(getConfigValue $I ServerPort)
37 | cpState="disabled"
38 | if [ "$(getConfigValue $I WebDashboardEnabled)" = "true" ]; then
39 | cpState="$(getConfigValue $I WebDashboardPort)"
40 | fi
41 | telnet=$(getConfigValue $I TelnetPort)
42 |
43 | printf "%-*s | %*s | %2s/%2d | %9d | %*s | %*s\n" 20 "$I" 8 "$run" $cur $max $port 11 "$cpState" 6 "$telnet"
44 | done
45 | }
46 |
47 | sdtdSubcommandInstancesCreate() {
48 | while : ; do
49 | readInstanceName
50 | [ $(isValidInstance "$INSTANCE") -eq 0 ] && break
51 | echo "Instance name already in use."
53 | done
54 | echo
55 |
56 | local IPATH=$(getInstancePath "$INSTANCE")
57 | mkdir -p "$IPATH" 2>/dev/null
58 |
59 | if [ $(configTemplateExists) -eq 1 ]; then
60 | local USETEMPLATE
61 | while : ; do
62 | read -p "Use the config template? [Yn] " USETEMPLATE
64 | case $USETEMPLATE in
65 | y|Y)
66 | cp $SDTD_BASE/templates/config.xml $IPATH/config.xml
67 | break
68 | ;;
69 | n|N)
70 | break
71 | ;;
72 | esac
73 | done
74 | echo
75 | fi
76 |
77 | if [ ! -f $IPATH/config.xml ]; then
78 | cp $SDTD_BASE/engine/serverconfig.xml $IPATH/config.xml
79 | fi
80 |
81 | if [ -z "$EDITOR" ]; then
82 | echo "No EDITOR specified in the global configuration file (7dtd.conf)!"
83 | echo "Please add/edit the variable 'EDITOR' and set it to the text editor you would"
84 | echo "like to use to edit the XML configs, preferably an editor that supports XML"
85 | echo "syntax highlighting for easier editing."
86 | echo "Run '7dtd.sh instances edit $INSTANCE' afterwards to edit the configuration."
87 | echo
88 | else
89 | $EDITOR $IPATH/config.xml
90 | fi
91 |
92 | if [ -f "$SDTD_BASE/templates/admins.xml" ]; then
93 | cp "$SDTD_BASE/templates/admins.xml" "$IPATH/"
94 | fi
96 | echo "Done"
97 | }
98 |
99 | sdtdSubcommandInstancesEdit() {
100 | if [ -z "$EDITOR" ]; then
101 | echo "No EDITOR specified in the global configuration file (7dtd.conf)!"
102 | echo "Please add/edit the variable 'EDITOR' and set it to the text editor you would"
103 | echo "like to use to edit the XML configs, preferably an editor that supports XML"
104 | echo "syntax highlighting for easier editing."
105 | return
106 | fi
107 |
108 | if [ $(isValidInstance "$1") -eq 0 ]; then
109 | echo "No instance given or not a valid instance!"
110 | return
111 | fi
112 |
113 | if [ $(isRunning "$1") -eq 0 ]; then
114 | local INSTANCE=$1
115 | local IPATH=$(getInstancePath "$INSTANCE")
116 |
117 | $EDITOR $IPATH/config.xml
118 | else
119 | echo "Instance $1 is currently running. Please stop it first."
120 | fi
121 | }
122 |
123 | sdtdSubcommandInstancesDelete() {
124 | if [ $(isValidInstance "$1") -eq 0 ]; then
125 | echo "No instance given or not a valid instance!"
126 | return
127 | fi
128 |
129 | if [ $(isRunning "$1") -eq 0 ]; then
130 | local SECCODE=$(dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1 count=100 2>/dev/null \
131 | | tr -cd '[:alnum:]' | head -c5)
132 | local SECCODEIN
133 | echo
134 | echo "WARNING: Do you really want to delete the following instance?"
135 | echo " $1"
136 | echo "This will delete all of its configuration and save data."
137 | echo "If you REALLY want to continue enter the following security code:"
138 | echo " $SECCODE"
139 | echo
140 | read -p "Security code: " -e SECCODEIN
141 | if [ "$SECCODE" = "$SECCODEIN" ]; then
142 | rm -R "$(getInstancePath "$1")"
143 | echo "Done"
144 | else
145 | echo "Security code did not match, aborting."
146 | fi
147 | else
148 | echo "Instance $1 is currently running. Please stop it first."
149 | fi
150 | }
151 |
152 | sdtdSubcommandInstancesPrintConfig() {
153 | if [ $(isValidInstance "$1") -eq 0 ]; then
154 | echo "No instance given or not a valid instance!"
155 | return
156 | fi
157 |
158 | local INSTANCE=$1
159 | local IPATH=$(getInstancePath "$INSTANCE")
160 | xmlstarlet sel -t -m "//property" -v "@name" -o " = " -v "@value" -nl $IPATH/config.xml | sort
161 | }
162 |
163 | sdtdSubcommandInstancesPrintXml() {
164 | if [ $(isValidInstance "$1") -eq 0 ]; then
165 | echo "No instance given or not a valid instance!"
166 | return
167 | fi
168 |
169 | local INSTANCE=$1
170 | local IPATH=$(getInstancePath "$INSTANCE")
171 |
172 | which pygmentize > /dev/null 2>&1
173 | if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
174 | cat $IPATH/config.xml | pygmentize -l xml
175 | else
176 | cat $IPATH/config.xml
177 | fi
178 | }
179 |
180 | sdtdCommandInstances() {
181 | SUBCMD=$1
182 | shift
183 | case $SUBCMD in
184 | list)
185 | sdtdSubcommandInstancesList "$@"
186 | ;;
187 | create)
188 | sdtdSubcommandInstancesCreate "$@"
189 | ;;
190 | edit)
191 | sdtdSubcommandInstancesEdit "$@"
192 | ;;
193 | delete)
194 | sdtdSubcommandInstancesDelete "$@"
195 | ;;
196 | print_config)
197 | sdtdSubcommandInstancesPrintConfig "$@"
198 | ;;
199 | print_xml)
200 | sdtdSubcommandInstancesPrintXml "$@"
201 | ;;
202 | *)
203 | sdtdCommandInstancesHelp
204 | ;;
205 | esac
206 | }
207 |
208 | sdtdCommandInstancesHelp() {
209 | line() {
210 | printf " %-*s %s\n" 19 "$1" "$2"
211 | }
212 |
213 | echo "Usage: $(basename $0) instances <subcommand>"
214 | echo "Subcommands are:"
215 | line "list" "List all defined instances and their status."
216 | line "create" "Create a new instance"
217 | line "edit <instance>" "Edit an existing instance"
218 | line "delete <instance>" "Delete an existing instance"
219 | line "print_config <instance>" "Print the current config of the instance to the console"
220 | line "print_xml <instance>" "Print the config XML as is"
221 | }
222 |
223 | sdtdCommandInstancesDescription() {
224 | echo "List all defined instances"
225 | }
226 |
227 | sdtdCommandInstancesExpects() {
228 | case $1 in
229 | 2)
230 | echo "list create edit delete print_config print_xml"
231 | ;;
232 | 3)
233 | case $2 in
234 | edit|delete|print_config|print_xml)
235 | echo "$(getInstanceList)"
236 | ;;
237 | esac
238 | ;;
239 | esac
240 | }
241 |