1 | #!/bin/bash
2 |
3 | # Tries to start the 7dtd instance.
4 |
5 | sdtdCommandStart() {
6 | if [ "$1" = "!" ]; then
7 | echo "Starting all instances:"
8 | for I in $(getInstanceList); do
9 | printf "%-*s: " 10 "$I"
10 | sdtdCommandStart $I
11 | done
12 | echo "All done"
13 | return
14 | fi
15 |
16 | if [ $(isValidInstance $1) -eq 0 ]; then
17 | echo "No instance given or not a valid instance!"
18 | return
19 | fi
20 |
21 | if [ $(isRunning $1) -eq 0 ]; then
22 | if [ ! `pgrep Xvfb` ]; then
23 | echo "Xvfb not yet running. Starting..."
24 | su -c "/usr/bin/Xvfb :1 -screen 0 640x480x16" $SDTD_USER 2>&1 | grep -v "Could not init font path element" &
25 | sleep 3
26 | fi
27 | export DISPLAY=localhost:1.0
28 |
29 | setAllPlayersOffline $1
30 | rm $SDTD_BASE/engine/7DaysToDie_Data/output_log.txt
31 |
32 | for H in $(getHooksFor serverPreStart); do
34 | done
35 |
36 | SSD_PID="--pidfile $(getInstancePath $1)/7dtd.pid --make-pidfile"
37 | SSD_DAEMON="--background --no-close"
38 | SSD_USER="--chuid $SDTD_USER:$SDTD_GROUP --user $SDTD_USER"
39 | OPTS="-quit -batchmode -nographics -configfile=$(getInstancePath $1)/config.xml -dedicated"
40 |
41 | start-stop-daemon --start $SSD_PID $SSD_DAEMON $SSD_USER --chdir $SDTD_BASE/engine --exec $WINE -- $SDTD_BASE/engine/7DaysToDie.exe $OPTS > $(getInstancePath $1)/stdout.log 2>&1
42 | sleep 1
43 |
44 | for H in $(getHooksFor serverPostStart); do
46 | done
47 |
48 | if [ $(isRunning $1) -eq 1 ]; then
49 | SSD_MONITOR_PID="--pidfile $(getInstancePath $1)/monitor.pid --make-pidfile"
50 | SSD_MONITOR_DAEMON="--background"
51 | start-stop-daemon --start $SSD_MONITOR_PID $SSD_MONITOR_DAEMON --exec "/usr/local/lib/7dtd/monitor-log.sh" -- "$1"
52 | echo "Done!"
53 | else
54 | echo "Failed!"
55 | rm -f $(getInstancePath $1)/7dtd.pid
56 | fi
57 | else
58 | echo "Instance $1 is already running"
59 | fi
60 | }
61 |
62 | sdtdCommandStartHelp() {
63 | echo "Usage: $(basename $0) start <instance>"
64 | echo
65 | echo "Starts the given instance."
66 | echo "If <instance> is \"!\" all defined instances are started."
67 | }
68 |
69 | sdtdCommandStartDescription() {
70 | echo "Start the given instance"
71 | }
72 |
73 | sdtdCommandStartExpects() {
74 | case $1 in
75 | 2)
76 | echo "! $(getInstanceList)"
77 | ;;
78 | esac
79 | }
80 |