1 | #!/bin/bash
2 | # Version 4
3 |
4 | # Print status of given instance.
5 |
6 | sdtdCommandStatus() {
7 | if [ $(isValidInstance $1) -eq 0 ]; then
8 | echo "No instance given or not a valid instance!"
9 | return
10 | fi
11 |
12 | line() {
13 | printf " %-*s %s\n" 15 "$1" "$2"
14 | }
15 |
16 | echo "Instance: $1"
17 | echo
18 |
19 | if [ $(isRunning $1) -eq 1 ]; then
20 | echo "Status: Running"
21 | echo "Open ports:"
22 | netstat -nlp | grep $(getInstancePID $1) | sed -r 's/^([^ ]*)\s+.*[^ :]*:([^ ]*).*[^ :]*:[^ ]*.*/ \2 (\1)/g' | sort
23 | tel=$(telnetCommand $1 lp)
24 | cur=`echo $tel | sed "s/\r/\n/g" | sed "s/^ //g" | grep "Total of " | cut -d\ -f 3`
25 | echo "Players: $cur"
26 | else
27 | echo "Status: NOT running"
28 | fi
29 |
30 | echo
31 | echo "Game info:"
32 | line "Server name:" $(getConfigValue $1 ServerName)
33 | line "Password:" $(getConfigValue $1 ServerPassword)
34 | line "Max players:" $(getConfigValue $1 ServerMaxPlayerCount)
35 | line "World:" $(getConfigValue $1 GameWorld)
36 |
37 | echo
38 | echo "Network info:"
39 | line "Port:" $(getConfigValue $1 ServerPort)
40 | line "Public:" $(getConfigValue $1 ServerIsPublic)
41 | if [ "$(getConfigValue $1 ControlPanelEnabled)" = "false" ]; then
42 | cp="off"
43 | else
44 | cp="Port $(getConfigValue $1 ControlPanelPort), Pass $(getConfigValue $1 ControlPanelPassword)"
45 | fi
46 | line "Control Panel:" "$cp"
47 | if [ "$(getConfigValue $1 TelnetEnabled)" = "false" ]; then
48 | tn="off"
49 | else
50 | tn="Port $(getConfigValue $1 TelnetPort), Pass $(getConfigValue $1 TelnetPassword)"
51 | fi
52 | line "Telnet:" "$tn"
53 |
54 | echo
55 | exit 0
56 | }
57 |
58 | sdtdCommandStatusHelp() {
59 | echo "Usage: $(basename $0) status <instance>"
60 | echo
61 | echo "Print status information for the given instance."
62 | }
63 |
64 | sdtdCommandStatusDescription() {
65 | echo "Print status for the given instance"
66 | }
67 |
68 | sdtdCommandStatusExpects() {
69 | case $1 in
70 | 2)
71 | getInstanceList
72 | ;;
73 | esac
74 | }
75 |