#!/bin/bash # Tries to stop the 7dtd instance given as first parameter. # Returns: # 0 : Done # 1 : Was not running # 2 : No instance name given # 3 : No such instance sdtdCommandKill() { if [ "$1" = "!" ]; then echo "Stopping all instances:" for I in $(getInstanceList); do printf "%s:\n" "$I" sdtdCommandKill $I echo done echo "All done" return fi if [ $(isValidInstance $1) -eq 0 ]; then echo "No instance given or not a valid instance!" return fi res=$(isRunning $1) if [ $res -eq 1 ]; then for H in $(getHooksFor serverPreStop); do $H $1 done echo "Trying to gracefully shutdown..." tmp=$(telnetCommand $1 shutdown "0.5") echo "Waiting for server to shut down..." waittime=0 maxwait=${STOP_WAIT:-5} until [ $(isRunning $1) -eq 0 ] || [ $waittime -eq $maxwait ]; do (( waittime++ )) sleep 1 echo $waittime/$maxwait done if [ $(isRunning $1) -eq 1 ]; then echo "Failed, force closing server..." $SSD --stop --pidfile $(getInstancePath $1)/7dtd.pid fi $PKILL -TERM -P $(cat $(getInstancePath $1)/monitor.pid) rm $(getInstancePath $1)/monitor.pid rm $(getInstancePath $1)/7dtd.pid for H in $(getHooksFor serverPostStop); do $H $1 done echo "Done" else echo "Instance $1 is NOT running" fi } sdtdCommandKillHelp() { echo "Usage: $(basename $0) kill " echo echo "Stops the given instance." echo "If is \"!\" all defined instances are stopped." } sdtdCommandKillDescription() { echo "Stop the given instance" } sdtdCommandKillExpects() { case $1 in 2) echo "! $(getInstanceList)" ;; esac }