1 | #!/bin/bash
2 |
3 | . /usr/local/lib/7dtd/common.sh
4 |
5 | if [ $(isValidInstance $1) -eq 0 ]; then
6 | echo "No instance given or not a valid instance!"
7 | return
8 | fi
9 |
10 | INSTANCE=$1
11 | LOG=$(getInstancePath $INSTANCE)/output.log
12 | CHATLOG=$(getInstancePath $INSTANCE)/chat.log
13 |
14 | timestamp() {
15 | date '+%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S'
16 | }
17 |
18 | handleConnect() {
19 | tel=$(telnetCommand $INSTANCE lp)
20 | playerline=$(echo "$tel" | tr -d '\r' | grep "id=$2,")
21 | #nickname=$(echo "$playerline" | sed -r 's/^.* id=[0-9]*, ([^,]*), pos=.*$/\1/')
22 | steamid=$(echo "$playerline" | sed -r 's/^.*, health=[0-9]*, ([0-9]*)$/\1/')
23 |
24 | if [ -z "$steamid" ]; then
25 | return
26 | fi
27 |
28 | logPlayerConnect $INSTANCE "$2" "$steamid" "$3"
29 |
30 | for H in $(getHooksFor playerConnect); do
31 | $H $INSTANCE "$1" "$2" "$3" "$steamid"
32 | done
33 | }
34 |
35 | handleDisconnect() {
36 | logPlayerDisconnect $INSTANCE "$2"
37 |
38 | for H in $(getHooksFor playerDisconnect); do
39 | $H $INSTANCE "$1" "$2" "$NICKNAME" "$STEAMID"
40 | done
41 | }
42 |
43 | handleChat() {
44 | echo "$(timestamp): $1" >> $CHATLOG
45 |
46 | for H in $(getHooksFor chat); do
47 | $H $INSTANCE "$1"
48 | done
49 | }
50 |
51 | echo >> $LOG
52 | echo >> $LOG
53 | echo "Starting instance $INSTANCE at $(timestamp)" >> $LOG
54 | echo >> $LOG
55 |
56 | sleep 5
57 |
58 | NOBUF="stdbuf -e0 -o0"
59 |
60 | $NOBUF tail -n 5000 -F $(getInstancePath $INSTANCE)/output_log.txt |
61 | $NOBUF tr '\\' '/' |
62 | $NOBUF tr -d '\r' |
63 | $NOBUF grep -v "^(Filename: " |
64 | while read line ; do
65 | if [ -n "$line" ]; then
66 | echo "$(timestamp): $line" >> $LOG
67 | if [ -n "$(echo "$line" | grep '^RequestToSpawnPlayer:')" ]; then
68 | entityId=$(expr "$line" : 'RequestToSpawnPlayer: \([0-9]*\), [0-9]*, .*, [0-9]*$')
69 | playerId=$(expr "$line" : 'RequestToSpawnPlayer: [0-9]*, \([0-9]*\), .*, [0-9]*$')
70 | playerName=$(expr "$line" : 'RequestToSpawnPlayer: [0-9]*, [0-9]*, \(.*\), [0-9]*$')
71 | unknown=$(expr "$line" : 'RequestToSpawnPlayer: [0-9]*, [0-9]*, .*, \([0-9]*\)$')
72 | sleep 1
73 | handleConnect "$playerId" "$entityId" "$playerName"
74 | unset entityId playerId playerName unknown
75 | else
76 | if [ -n "$(echo "$line" | grep '^Removing player with id ')" ]; then
77 | playerId=$(expr "$line" : 'Removing player with id clientId=\([0-9]*\), entityId=[0-9]*$')
78 | entityId=$(expr "$line" : 'Removing player with id clientId=[0-9]*, entityId=\([0-9]*\)$')
79 | handleDisconnect "$playerId" "$entityId"
80 | unset playerId entityId
81 | else
82 | if [ -n "$(echo "$line" | grep -E '^GMSG: .+')" ]; then
83 | msg=$(expr "$line" : 'GMSG: \(.*\)$')
84 | handleChat "$msg"
85 | unset msg
86 | fi
87 | fi
88 | fi
89 | fi
90 | done