Custom Query (126 matches)


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Results (40 - 42 of 126)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#9 fixed Instance management alloc Alloc
Description instance add/edit/delete:
* Add: Create folder, load XML from template (or vanilla file), query values, save it
* Edit: Edit existing XML of instance
* Delete: Delete whole instance (is running check, confirmation with random string to type in)
#10 fixed Wiki Alloc
Description Write some documentation:
* Basic installation (prereqs, non-debian)
* Management
* Steam logon data security
* Advanced features (backups, ?)
#11 fixed Event hooks alloc Alloc
Description Add support for event hooks. E.g. monitor output in output_log.txt and if there's a new line about a new player check if there are scripts in a hook folder called e.g. "player_connect" and if so call it with params (instance name, player name).

Could be used for stuff like greeting joined players or whatever.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.