Custom Query (126 matches)


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Results (67 - 69 of 126)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1 fixed Move generic stuff to global file Alloc Alloc
Description Move stuff like "is running" to a generic place (perhaps separate files?).

Could be:
* /usr/local/bin/ Return if given instance is running
#6 fixed Multi-instance management Alloc
Description Separate instance-specific configuration (e.g. port) from generic one (e.g. Steam logon) and add appropriate functionality to the management scripts so that a single set of script files / engine can run multiple instances of 7dtd on the same machine with different settings.
#81 fixed Mute Command Alloc Prof.Liebstrumpf
Description Some peoples crying, and fighting each other over chat. Most times i wish i could mute them that they can't write in ingame chat.

Is that command possible?

e.g. "mute <playerid|steamid|name> <time>"
"mute blabla 10h"
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.