{10} Closed Tickets (126 matches)

Results (101 - 126 of 126)

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Ticket Summary Type Priority Owner Resolution Created Modified
#35 Add information about Steam-acc requirement enhancement major Alloc invalid 27.07.2014 17.03.2016
#121 WebServer doesn't start with Alpha 13 defect major Alloc invalid 24.12.2015 26.12.2015
#112 Improved List Entity / LE Command enhancement trivial Alloc invalid 16.07.2015 08.12.2015
#107 Crash on "Show inventory" over web ui defect major Alloc invalid 14.07.2015 06.08.2015
#58 Allow admins to login even if playerlimit is reached enhancement major Alloc invalid 08.09.2014 14.07.2015
#105 New command suggestion enhancement minor Alloc invalid 07.07.2015 12.07.2015
#45 Player management (admin, mods ...) enhancement major Alloc invalid 26.08.2014 20.04.2015
#100 Ip address is wrong for players defect major Alloc invalid 10.04.2015 10.04.2015
#57 Allow flight (Noclip) enhancement major Alloc invalid 02.09.2014 25.03.2015
#85 self built fixes defect major Alloc invalid 30.11.2014 25.03.2015
#96 monitor-log.sh Typo or change? defect minor Alloc invalid 20.12.2014 20.12.2014
#87 WebApi getlandclaims defect major Alloc invalid 09.12.2014 20.12.2014
#95 Version Mismatch? defect major Alloc invalid 19.12.2014 19.12.2014
#94 Server update help defect major Alloc invalid 19.12.2014 19.12.2014
#92 Actual Version task major Alloc invalid 18.12.2014 18.12.2014
#91 Alloc fixes not enabled in FRT client until after restart defect major Alloc invalid 16.12.2014 16.12.2014
#88 new bug found defect critical Alloc invalid 12.12.2014 12.12.2014
#62 Linux Server Problems defect critical Alloc invalid 16.09.2014 21.09.2014
#24 connection refused defect critical Alloc invalid 17.07.2014 06.09.2014
#18 Telnet session dies after one use. defect critical invalid 04.07.2014 15.07.2014
#4 7dtd WD outside of game directory task major Alloc invalid 15.05.2014 06.06.2014
#7 Check for SaveGameFolder before starting an instance enhancement major invalid 15.05.2014 27.05.2014
#69 Set home enhancement minor Alloc wontfix 21.10.2014 02.08.2017
#106 Command suggestion : Take casino coins from player inventory enhancement minor Alloc wontfix 12.07.2015 16.07.2015
#102 Auto restart if server crashed enhancement major Alloc wontfix 10.05.2015 10.05.2015
#55 Starting Problems / Out of bounds defect critical Alloc worksforme 02.09.2014 02.09.2014
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