{10} Closed Tickets (126 matches)

Results (101 - 126 of 126)

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Ticket Summary Type Priority Owner Resolution Created Modified
#143 Update executeconsolecommand API enhancement major Alloc fixed 02.08.2017 02.08.2017
#22 Update log-parser to 8.7 log defect major alloc fixed 10.07.2014 10.07.2014
#129 Use GameStartDone for LoadItemIcons task blocker Alloc fixed 28.04.2016 26.10.2016
#95 Version Mismatch? defect major Alloc invalid 19.12.2014 19.12.2014
#75 Voice permission enhancement major Alloc duplicate 17.11.2014 25.03.2015
#47 Web: (Optional) Public access enhancement major Alloc fixed 29.08.2014 22.07.2015
#117 Web: Make navigation collapsible defect minor Alloc fixed 07.09.2015 12.05.2016
#110 WebAPI: Game Time enhancement major Alloc fixed 16.07.2015 22.07.2015
#87 WebApi getlandclaims defect major Alloc invalid 09.12.2014 20.12.2014
#121 WebServer doesn't start with Alpha 13 defect major Alloc invalid 24.12.2015 26.12.2015
#97 Webmap defect major Alloc fixed 27.12.2014 06.08.2015
#10 Wiki task minor fixed 17.05.2014 27.05.2014
#152 XSS attack with Steam names defect critical Alloc fixed 07.05.2018 11.06.2018
#61 build 190 (191?) map issue defect major Alloc fixed 15.09.2014 17.09.2014
#24 connection refused defect critical Alloc invalid 17.07.2014 06.09.2014
#83 creative menu does not work, defect major Alloc fixed 27.11.2014 27.11.2014
#158 default config.xml is not matching new versions variables defect minor Alloc fixed 22.12.2018 05.01.2019
#141 instances list output sometimes messed up defect major Alloc fixed 01.08.2017 04.08.2017
#116 listitems and give don't work defect major Alloc fixed 10.08.2015 24.08.2015
#84 missing file for webserver defect trivial Alloc fixed 27.11.2014 24.03.2015
#93 monitor-log.sh Fix 10.4 defect major Alloc fixed 19.12.2014 19.12.2014
#101 monitor-log.sh Fix 11.x defect major Alloc fixed 01.05.2015 01.05.2015
#96 monitor-log.sh Typo or change? defect minor Alloc invalid 20.12.2014 20.12.2014
#88 new bug found defect critical Alloc invalid 12.12.2014 12.12.2014
#86 playerlog.sh Fix defect major Alloc fixed 04.12.2014 12.12.2014
#85 self built fixes defect major Alloc invalid 30.11.2014 25.03.2015
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