Changes between Version 6 and Version 7 of Console Commands

27.07.2014 11:35:35 (10 years ago)



  • Console Commands

    v6 v7  
    122122|| saveworld, sa || || Saves the world manually ||
    123123|| say || <message> || Sends a message to all connected clients ||
    124 || sayplayer, pm || <destPlayerName or entity id> <message> || Send a message to a single player (Added by the [[Server fixes]]) ||
     124|| sayplayer, pm || <playerName or entityId> <message> || Send a message to a single player (Added by the [[Server fixes]]) ||
    125125|| setgamepref, sg || [<prefName> [<value>]] || Retrieves (if no value given) or sets a game preference. If both parameters are left out all preferences are shown. Does not work with most settings! ||
    126126|| settimereal, str || <days> <hours> <minutes> || Set current ingame time (Added by the [[Server fixes]]) ||
    127127|| settime, st || [<time>] || Set the time. If no time is given it will set to Day 1, 08:00. ''time'' can be "day" which will set to Day 1, 16:00, or "night" which will set it to Day 2, 05:00. Or it can be an integer value greater or equal to -8000, specifying the time relative to Day 1, 16:00 ||
    128128|| showchunkdata, sc || || Shows some data of the current chunk ||
    129 || showinventory, si || <playerName or entity id> || List inventory of the given player ||
     129|| showinventory, si || <playerName or entityId> || List inventory of the given player ||
    130130|| shownexthordetime || || Displays the wandering horde time ||
    131131|| shutdown || || Shut down the server ||