Hooks are a way to add additional behaviour to the scripts. They are basically custom scripts that are called upon specific events. For example one could define a hook which is called on player connects and then send a message in the in-game chat to greet the new player. All hooks have to executable files in ''SDTD_BASE//.sh''. The folder '''' has to be in exactly the same case as the hook name column in the table below shows it. If you think a hook for another event could be interesting please [/newticket create a ticket] or [[Author|contact me]]. Currently the following hooks are defined: {{{#!th align=center Hook name }}} {{{#!th align=center Called on event }}} {{{#!th align=center Passed parameters }}} |-------------------------------- {{{#!td align=left playerConnect }}} {{{#!td align=left After a player has connected }}} {{{#!td align=left rowspan=2 1. Instance name 1. Player ID 1. Entity ID 1. Nickname 1. Steam ID }}} |-------------------------------- {{{#!td align=left playerDisconnect }}} {{{#!td align=left After a player has disconnected }}} |-------------------------------- {{{#!td align=left serverPreStart }}} {{{#!td align=left Before an instance is started }}} {{{#!td align=left rowspan=4 1. Instance name }}} |-------------------------------- {{{#!td align=left serverPostStart }}} {{{#!td align=left After an instance was started }}} |-------------------------------- {{{#!td align=left serverPreStop }}} {{{#!td align=left Before an instance is stopped }}} |-------------------------------- {{{#!td align=left serverPostStop }}} {{{#!td align=left After an instance was stopped }}} |-------------------------------- {{{#!td align=left backup }}} {{{#!td align=left After a backup was created }}} {{{#!td align=left 1. Path of new backup folder }}}