[[PageOutline(3-5,Table of contents,inline)]] Versions in brackets are: ''CommandExtensions''_''CommonFunc''_''WebAndMapRendering'' === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=368 rev. 368] (21_23_38) (2021-08-11) === * WebMap updated to v38: * Added: Options for fractional map zoom, can be configured in ''webserver/js/map.js'' lines 42 - 46 * Added: SSE (ServerSentEvents) subsystem (thanks to ''Catalysm'' for the idea and basic implementation!) * Added: log endpoint to SSE. Less heavy weight and more responsive way of watching the server log * Bunch of refactoring === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=365 rev. 365] (21_23_37) (2021-06-09) === * WebMap updated to v37: * Fixed coordinate display (provided by ''BadPlayer'') === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=360 rev. 360] (20_23_35) (2020-06-30) === * '''Only compatible with A19.0 b152 and newer''' * No new functions, this is just a compatibility update === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=358 rev. 358] (20_23_33) (2019-10-08) === * '''Only compatible with A18.0 b134 and newer''' * No new functions, this is just a compatibility update (fixed Vector2i accesses) === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=355 rev. 355] (19_22_32) (2019-10-04) === * '''Only compatible with A18.0 b134 and newer''' * No new functions, this is just a compatibility update === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=352 rev. 352] (18_21_31) (2019-01-19) === * CommonFunc updated to v21: * Fixed: Players added to map even if they never actually fully joined the server * WebMap updated to v31 * Fixed: Player inventory screen not respecting A17's new bag size (9*5 instead of 8*4) * Fixed: ''rendermap'' throwing (irrelevant) warnings, ''rendermap'' not cleaning up properly after finishing * Fixed: Marker clustering on high zoom levels * Changed: Trying to execute a non-existing command through the Web API will return HTTP code 404 instead of 501 * Added: Bool parameters ''showiconname'' and ''showiconcolor'' to ''GetPlayerInventory'' and ''GetPlayerInventories'' APIs to exclude the icon name and/or color if not needed * Added: Parameter ''count'' to ''GetLog'' API, allowing to override how many lines are returned in one query (up to 1000 from the default 50) * Specify a negative number combined with '''no''' ''firstline'' value to get the ''count'' last lines stored in the log * Specify a negative number combined '''with''' a ''firstline'' value to get the ''count'' lines up to (and including) the specified entry * Fixed: Game version compatibility of ''GamePrefs'' (not using hardcoded ''EnumGamePref'' values anymore as they can change between game versions) === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=343 rev. 343] (18_20_30) (2018-12-12) === * Commands updated to v18: * Fixed: Quality parameter on ''give'' command === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=341 rev. 341] (17_20_30) (2018-12-12) === * '''Only compatible with A17.0 b221 and newer''' * No new functions, this is just a compatibility update === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=340 rev. 340] (16_19_29) (2018-11-21) === * WebMap updated to v29 * Fixed: Permissions === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=338 rev. 338] (16_19_28) (2018-11-21) === * CommonFunc updated to v19: * Fixed: Location of persistent data file * WebMap updated to v28 * Fixed: Location of web map files === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=336 rev. 336] (16_18_27) (2018-11-20) === * Commands updated to v16: * Fixed: Sending PMs === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=334 rev. 334] (15_18_27) (2018-11-16) === * '''Only compatible with A17.0 and newer''' * No new functions, this is just a compatibility update * I '''plan''' to get some tickets done next week but can '''not''' promise anything === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=322 rev. 322] (14_17_26) (2018-06-20) === * WebMap updated to v26: * Code: * Added API ''getplayerinventories'': Single request to get inventories of all currently online players (thanks to '''Prisma501''' for providing the base code) (#114) * Web Page: * Fixed menu expand button being behind the map * Fixed XSS attacks by Steam profile name (#152) === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=318 rev. 318] (14_17_25) (2018-04-19) === * WebMap updated to v25: * Code: * Added option to debug OpenID issues with command line argument "-debugopenid" * Also added as console command "openiddebug" (with parameters 0/1) === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=316 rev. 316] (14_17_24) (2018-04-06) === * WebMap updated to v24: * Code: * Fixed Steam OpenID login === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=315 rev. 315] (14_17_23) (2018-01-31) === * CommonFunc updated to v17: * Internal: Refactored common code * Internal: Fixed JSON encoding for empty arrays/objects * WebMap updated to v23: * Code: * Fixed validation of Steam OpenID server's SSL certificate * Changed API ''getplayerslocation'': Removed unused fields ''ip'', ''entityid'', ''totalplaytime'', ''lastonline'', ''ping'' (both for traffic reduction as well as data protection) * Changed API ''getplayerslocation'': Only transfer state of offline players when the HTTP query parameter "offline=true" is added (heavily reduces traffic on highly frequented servers) * Web Page: * Updated to Leaflet 1.2 (many thanks to '''ecv''' :) ) * Fixed: Mrker handling to not close+reopen popups * Changed: Centering markers on the map as long as the popup is open === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=311 rev. 311] (14_16_22) (2017-08-26) === * WebMap updated to v22: * Added X-Forwarded-Proto use when forwarding from a proxy with SSL enabled === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=309 rev. 309] (14_16_21) (2017-08-09) === * Commands updated to v14: * Internal: Fixed chat code hanging onto ClientInfo objects * CommonFunc updated to v16: * Internal: Improved JSON library * WebMap updated to v21: * Fixed players list showing wrong last online times * Removed some debugging-only log output * Internal: Fixed some dead code === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=307 rev. 307] (13_15_20) (2017-08-02) === * '''Only compatible with A16.2 and newer''' * WebMap updated to v20: * Fixed API ''getplayersonline'' A16 compatibility * Changed API ''executeconsolecommand'': Added optional parameters ''raw'' and ''simple'' - raw returns the command output as a simple string, simple returns it as a JSON string. Leaving both out returns the full JSON object with command, arguments and result like before * Changed API ''executeconsolecommand'': Additional log output for command execution duration is now hidden when HideCommandExecutionLog is set to 1 or greater * Fixed loading item icons when mods override vanilla icons * JSON encoding: No longer escapes the forward slash "/" with "\/" * Fixed new animals (bear, wolf, snake) not showing on map * Commands updated to v13: * Fixed ''give'' A16.2 compatibility * Changed ''removelandprotection'': Added ''nearby'' parameter with optional square size * Changed ''give'' and ''listitems'' to use the games own data instead of a local item name list === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=301 rev. 301] (12_14_19) (2017-01-03) === * CommonFunc updated to v14: * Changed totalPlayTime calculation code to fix compatibility with recent Unity versions === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=299 rev. 299] (12_13_19) (2016-12-14) === * Commands updated to v12: * Fixed ''give'': Was broken when specifying a quality * WebMap updated to v19: * Code: * Updated MapRendering code to use a coroutine instead of a timer which was causing some issues * Web page: * Added some day information to the stats on the upper left (day of week, days til horde night etc) === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=297 rev. 297] (11_13_18) (2016-10-26) === * Commands updated to v11: * Changed ''showinventory'': In tagged output mode prints an output termination like this: "tracker_item id=''171'', tag=''tagName'', SHOWINVENTORY DONE" * WebMap updated to v18: * Web page: * Added meta header for IE === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=293 rev. 293] (10_13_17) (2016-09-25) === * '''Only compatible with A15 and newer''' * Commands updated to v10: * Fixed ''give'': Support quality for items that have parts or attachments (thanks to Coppi :) ) * WebMap updated to v17: * Code: * Fixed error loading item icons in A15 (may have added regressions for mod icons) * Web page: * Added option to index.js to hide the navbar on page load === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=289 rev. 289] (9_13_16) (2016-07-18) === * CommonFunc updated to v13: * Added useTime related stuff to persistent data for Coppi's mod * Commands updated to v9: * Fixed ''listknownplayers'': Allow lookup of players by their SteamID * CoppisAdditions removed: Including that will cause all sorts of trouble/confusion as they're also updated by Coppi himself. Download can be found in [https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?44835-Coppi-MOD-New-features his thread] * WebMap updated to v16: * Code: * Fixed error shown when webserver is accessed while 7dtd is still starting up * Web page: * Added last online tooltip to show actual date instead of pretty printed value in table === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=283 rev. 283] (8_12_15_2) (2016-06-19) === * CommonFunc updated to v12: * Minor internal updates * CoppisAdditions updated to v2: * Fixed ''givexp'' * Added ''ss'' as an intermediate workaround for the non-functional ''spawnscouts'' command from the game until A15 is released * Fixed spelling: ''to'''o'''glechatcommandhide'' to ''to'''g'''glechatcommandhide'' * WebMap updated to v15: * Code: * Added API ''executeconsolecommand'': Executes a console command and returns result. Uses the same permission checks as would apply to any ingame user * Added API ''getallowedcommands'': Retrieves a list of all console commands that can be executed with the current user permissions * Added API ''getplayerlist'': Retrieves a list of all players, optionally filtered and sorted, with definable results per page and page number. Will be extended upon in the future. * Added API ''getserverinfo'': Retrieve the server information as reported to the master server list * Made APIs ''getstats'' and ''getwebuiupdates'' usable by anyone by default unless explicitly set to a stricter permission * Web page: * Added first draft of player list tab === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=277 rev. 277] (8_11_14_1) (2016-05-19) === * WebMap updated to v14: * Changed APIs ''getplayersonline'' and ''getplayerslocation'': Added field "ping" * Added API ''getserverinfo'': Reports current info on the server === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=276 rev. 276] (8_11_13_1) (2016-05-18) === * CommonFunc updated to v11: * Fixed player level calculation === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=273 rev. 273] (8_10_13_1) (2016-05-11) === * Added Coppi's stuff as a fourth module "CoppisAdditions", v1: * Chat filter functionality, controlled with the commands below * Command ''muteplayerchat'': Mute a player on public chat * Command ''playerchatmaxlength'': Set the maximum number of characters a player can write in a single message. Default is 255 for every player. * Command ''tooglechatcommandhide'': Specify a chat message prefix that defines chat commands that are hidden from chat * Command ''givexp'': Give XP for a skill to a player * Command ''listplayerbed'': List bed locations of a single player or all online players * Command ''listplayerfriends'': List friends of a single player or all players * Command ''physics'': Enable / disable physics on blocks that you are placing / removing * Command ''sayplayer2'': Send a message to a single player with a specific sender name * Command ''spawnhorde'': Spawn horde near a player or coordinate * Command ''spawnmultipleentity'': Spawn multiple entities around some coordinate or player * Command ''spawnscouts'': Spawn scouts near a player or coordinate * Command ''teleportplayerhome'': Teleport a player to his home / bedroll * Command ''unlockall'': Unlock all secure loots, chests and doors for the current player * Commands updated to v8: * Changed ''listitems'': Now also accepts "*" as search mask, showing all items * Changed ''listlandprotection'': Added optional parameter "parseable" to get programmatically parseable output * Changed ''showinventory'': Added optional tag parameter. If a tag is given it will be included in each line of the output, which will be in a parseable format instead of easily readable * Fixed ''repairchunkdensity'' help text * CommonFunc updated to v10: * Changed log output on player connect: Added Steam owner ID === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=272 rev. 272] (7_9_13) (2016-04-28) === * WebMap mod updated to v13: * Code: * Fixed Log page * Changed API ''getplayerslocation'' and ''getplayersonline'': Added ''totalplaytime'' and ''lastonline'' (#127) * Web map servers transparent tiles instead of 404 when block has no image yet (#124) * Commands updated to v7: * Fixed ''removelandprotection'' * Fixed chat related stuff for A14.6 b26 * Added ''repairchunkdensity'' * CommonFunc updated to v9: * Fixed chat related stuff for A14.6 b26 === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=256 rev. 256] (6_8_12) (2016-02-07) === * WebMap mod updated to v12: * Web page: * Changed player popups to show coordinates without "/" so they can directly be copy+pasted for teleport etc (by [https://7daystodie.com/forums/member.php?112591-God-Almighty God Almighty]) * Added SteamID to inventory dialog (by [https://7daystodie.com/forums/member.php?112591-God-Almighty God Almighty]) === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=254 rev. 254] (6_8_11) (2015-12-24) === * WebMap mod updated to v11: * Code: * Fixed icon loading when multiple items use the same icon+tint combination === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=253 rev. 253] (6_8_10) (2015-12-12) === * Only compatible with A13 and newer * WebMap mod updated to v10: * Web page: * Users with ''webapi.getlandclaims'' permission can always view their own claims, users who also have ''webapi.viewallclaims'' can view all claims like before (by [https://7daystodie.com/forums/member.php?101833-psouza4 psouza4]) * Users with ''webapi.getplayerslocation'' permission can always view their own position, users who also have ''webapi.viewallplayers'' can view all players like before (by [https://7daystodie.com/forums/member.php?101833-psouza4 psouza4]) * Added new map options ''Animals'' and ''Hostiles'' (by [https://7daystodie.com/forums/member.php?101833-psouza4 psouza4]) * Fixed item display with custom icons (#119) or tints * Code: * Added API ''getanimalslocation'': Get a list of all (currently loaded) animals on the server (by [https://7daystodie.com/forums/member.php?101833-psouza4 psouza4]) * Added API ''gethostilelocation'': Get a list of all (currently loaded) AI hostiles on the server (by [https://7daystodie.com/forums/member.php?101833-psouza4 psouza4]) * Commands updated to v6: * Added ''buffplayer'' and ''debuffplayer'': Give a buff or remove a buff from a remote player * CommonFunc updated to v8: * Refactorings and backend additions for the new features above === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=250 rev. 250] (5_7_9) (2015-08-12) === * WebMap mod updated to v9: * Web page: * Added Log view * Added quality information to player inventory dialog * Fixed player marker popup closing itself on data updates (hacky, clean solution requires Leaflet 1 which is still beta) * Further refactorings * Code: * Added API ''getlog'': Get a list of server log lines * Added API ''getwebuiupdates'': Get information about what has been updated (currently only used for showing number of new log entries) * Changed API ''getplayerinventory'': Minor changes in format (same for bag/belt and equipment), added quality and qualitycolor information * Commands updated to v5 (thanks to ''Coppi'' for the code change ideas): * Changed ''give'': Added a second variant which allows to specify item quality * Changed ''showinventory'': Also output equipment and item qualities and parts * Changed ''teleportplayer'': Added a third variant which allows to teleport relatively to the current player position (e.g. just go 10m below the current position by ''tp 0 -10 0'') * CommonFunc updated to v7 (thanks to ''Coppi'' for the code change ideas): * Log item quality and parts === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=249 rev. 249] (4_6_8) (2015-08-07) === * WebMap mod updated to v8: * Web page: * Updated design, thanks to Ynd21 for the ideas * Added checkbox to auto-reload tiles in a specified interval. Function can be disabled or minimum interval / default interval set in ''map.js'' line 78 and following (''new L.Control.ReloadTiles ...'') * Fixed player marker clustering when players move towards each other or get farther apart * Added GameTime control for webmap if having the menu bar is undesired, can be added by to map by uncommenting ''map.js'' line 102 (''new L.Control.GameTime ...'') * Added Login control for webmap if having the menu bar is undesired, not used by default * Further refactorings * Code: * Added web page login logging (print IP, SteamID, permission level) === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=247 rev. 247] (4_6_7) === * WebMap mod updated to v7: * Web page: * Please excuse the terrible styling, in my dev branch it's even worse but this makes it easier for me to properly position elements ;) * Added Steam authentication * Added permission system ([[Integrated Webserver#Permissions|see here for further details]]) * Added game time display * Added player equipment display * Added last click position display * Commands: * Added ''webpermission'' to list/specify permissions required for individual parts of the webpage * Added ''webtokens'' to list/manage web tokens required for tool based access * Code: * Added player equipment to WebAPI getplayerinventory * Added WebAPI getstats, currently returning game time and current player count * Refactored JS code * Core mod updated to v6: Added player equipment logging * '''IMPORTANT:''' Only use with 14.6 b26 and higher === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=243 rev. 243] ( === * WebMap mod updated to v6: Added title tag to icon fields in Inventory Viewer (thanks to Martin for the suggestion) * Core mod updated to v5: Fixed ListItems / Give for A12.3 === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=242 rev. 242] ( === * WebMap mod updated to v5: Fixed item icon loading === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=238 rev. 238] ( === * Updated for Alpha 12 (server build ''682942'') * Added chat hook example (type "/alloc" in chat) * Fixed "last seen" value not getting updated on banned players etc * Added command exportitemicons * Added help texts to commands * Slightly improved performance of map rendering code * ItemIcons for the webmap are now directly loaded from the game data * No more deobfuscation required, mod works directly with the vanilla files (ideally no more need to update this mod on game updates though of course bigger changes can still require an update in the mod) === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=236 rev. 236] ( === * Updated for Alpha 11.6 (server build ''658147'') === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=235 rev. 235] ( === * Updated for Alpha 11.5 (server build ''639339'') === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=233 rev. 233] ( === * Updated for Alpha 11.4 (server build ''605981'') === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=232 rev. 232] ( === * Fixed show inventory === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=230 rev. 230] (0.113.5586.28926) === * Fixed exceptions === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=230 rev. 230] (0.113.5586.27633) === * Fixed exceptions === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=230 rev. 230] (0.113.5586.25212 2nd build) === * Updated web mod to v.2, fixes endless exceptions in log === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=230 rev. 230] (0.113.5586.25212) === * Updated for Alpha 11.3 (server build ''593110'') * '''REMOVE ALL OLD FILES FROM THE MODS-FOLDER PRIOR TO APPLYING THIS ONE''' === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=228 rev. 228] (0.112.5577.41143) === * Updated for Alpha 11.2 (server build ''583520'') * Fixed IP output === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=227 rev. 227] (0.111.5572.35274) === * Updated AllocsCommands mod: Fixes command ''teleport'' (#99) === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=226 rev. 226] (0.111.5572.35274) === * Updated for Alpha 11.1 (server build ''578130'') * Also removed protect-file that accidentally slipped into last archive. === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=224 rev. 224] (0.110.5570.39924) === * Updated for Alpha 11 (server build ''576370'') === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=222 rev. 222] (0.104.5471.24501) === * Updated for Alpha 10.4 b10 hotfix (server build ''480993'') === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=218 rev. 218] (0.104.5466.33703) === * Updated for Alpha 10.4 b9 hotfix (server build ''478721'' and ''478809'') === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=216 rev. 216] (0.104.5465.40278) === * Updated for Alpha 10.4 (server build ''477715'') === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=213 rev. 213] (0.103.5461.3294) === * Updated for Alpha 10.3 b12 hotfix (server build ''471956'') === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=211 rev. 211] (0.103.5459.40864) === * Updated for Alpha 10.3 (server build ''471356'') '''EDIT: THIS IS ACTUALLY FOR DEDI BUILD 471352, SO DO NOT WONDER WHY I POSTED THE WRONG ONE ABOVE ;) ''' === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=208 rev. 208] (0.102.5448.37821) === * Updated for Alpha 10.2 (server build ''459429'') === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=206 rev. 206] (0.100.5442.30220) === * Updated for Alpha 10.1 (server build ''454117'') * Command ''listplayerids'' / ''lpi'' added === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=205 rev. 205] (0.100.5439.41910) === * Updated for Alpha 10 (server build ''451483'') * Command ''listplayersextended'' / ''lpe'' removed: Now integrated with the vanilla ''lp'' command === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=202 rev. 202] (0.93.5409.27239) === * Webserver core updated for better performance / less problems * Command ''listlandprotection'' changed: If run from the game's console it accepts the parameter "nearby" an optionally an distance === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=199 rev. 199] (0.93.5378.41731) === * Updated map rendering + webserver so that hopefully all "sharing access violation"s are gone === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=198 rev. 198] (0.93.5378.21429) === * Command ''unban'' actually registered in game ;) === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=197 rev. 197] (0.93.5377.34787) === * Commands ''give'' and ''listitems'' changed: Now should work for all things in creative menu * Player inventory is monitored for stacksizes greater than the allowed size for each item (see [[Server fixes#Newloginformation|New log information]]) === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=196 rev. 196] (0.93.5375.21616) === * Added console command ''unban'' === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=194 rev. 194] (0.93.5374.40502) === * Updated for A9.3 b5 (server build 385244) === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=192 rev. 192] (0.93.5373.21892) === * Minor bug fix for map rendering === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=190 rev. 190] (0.93.5369.22980) === * Further Telnet stability improvements === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=189 rev. 189] (0.93.5368.20218) === * Command ''teleportplayer'' / ''tele'' changed: Second parameter can be another player now * Made Telnet interface robust against errors in core commands (like buff) * Telnet ignores empty lines === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=188 rev. 188] (0.93.5366.36263) === * Allow setting different rendering settings (run server with this version once, shut down, edit /map/mapinfo.js) * WARNING: This can have a serious impact on server performance! Will be optimized later on. === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=185 rev. 185] (0.93.5365.39558) === * Web interface no longer depends on CP enabled (only on existence of the "webserver" folder) * Login attempt limiting on Telnet === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=183 rev. 183] (0.93.5365.36355) === * Multithreaded Telnet server (hopefully lowering CPU usage a bit) === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=180 rev. 180] (0.92.5364.31430) === * Updated for A9.3 (server build 375426) === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=174 rev. 174] (0.92.5363.32930) === * Web API: Added getlandclaims * Map updates === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=172 rev. 172] (0.92.5361.41834) === * Web auth: Actually require user ("admin") and password (same as control panel) if auth is enabled === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=168 rev. 168] (0.92.5361.28833) === * Fixed minor bug in rendermap * Made webserver authentication chooseable === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=165 rev. 165] (0.92.5360.43161) === * Updated for A9.2 server hotfix (server build 373581) === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=164 rev. 164] (0.92.5360.33406) === * Updated for A9.2 (server build 373271) === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=163 rev. 163] (0.91.5360.30628) === * Added console command ''teleportplayer'' / ''tele'' * Added GetPlayerInventory API * Map: Show inventory for a player by clicking its marker and show inventory (requires latest webserver files) === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=162 revs. 161/162] (0.91.5360.3074) === * Another hotfix for player list API (JSON empty strings) === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=160 rev. 160] (0.91.5359.27894) === * Another hotfix for player list API (JSON encoding for strings) === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=159 rev. 159] (0.91.5359.26222) === * Another hotfix for player list API === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=156 rev. 156] (0.91.5359.21630) === * Hotfix for player list API * Removed debug output "add dirty" === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=154 rev. 154] (0.91.5358.38435) === * Web: First API introduced * Map shows current player locations both for online and offline players (last position) === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=147 rev. 147] (0.91.5355.36217) === * Command ''showinventory'' / ''si'' changed: * Allows to pass steamid in addition to allowing entity id and player name * With steamid also players that are currently not online can be checked * Output format has changed: Items of same type aren't accumulated anymore but instead each slot is shown on its own: {{{ Slot 2: 001 * canChili }}} * Added console command ''listknownplayers'' / ''lkp'' === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=143 rev. 143] (0.91.5355.28079) === * Big improvements on map rendering (both live and full rendering) === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=142 rev. 142] (0.91.5354.28918) === * Fixed Telnet connection not using UTF8 * Removed extra output for unimplemented Web methods === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=139 rev. 139] === * Command ''listlandprotection'' / ''llp'' changed: Allow to show keystones of a single user, show summary only === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=138 revs. 137-138] === * Minor changes to integrated web server === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=136 revs. 134-136] === * Improvements on map rendering and integrated server authorization (username="admin", password same as control panel) === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=133 rev. 133] === * Added integrated web server (map display only so far) === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=131 rev. 131] (and 130/129) === * Added map live rendering * Added console command ''rendermap'' / ''rm'' === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=128 rev. 128] === * Added console command ''creativemenu'' / ''cm'' * Added console command ''give'' * Added console command ''listitems'' / ''li'' === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=127 rev. 127] (and 126/125) === * Updated for A9 (server build 363156) === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=123 rev. 123] === * Command ''removelandprotection'' / ''rlp'' changed: You can remove all blocks of a given player (by SteamID) instead of only remove a single one * Command ''removelandprotection'' / ''rlp'' changed: Both the association of the block to the owner and the actual block are removed === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=120 rev. 120] === * IMPORTANT Fixed a bug in the permissions calculation for players. === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=117 rev. 117] === * Updated for A9 (server build 356618) === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=114 rev. 114] === * Added console command ''version'' === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=113 rev. 113] === * Added console command ''listlandprotection'' / ''llp'' * Added console command ''removelandprotection'' / ''rlp'' === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=112 rev. 112] === * Command ''sayplayer'' / ''pm'' changed: Ignores color codes in player names === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=110 rev. 110] === * Fixed minor bug in ''reply'' / ''re'' === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=108 rev. 108] === * Added console command ''reply'' / ''re'' === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=107 rev. 107] === * Console output of the Web control panel and each Telnet client is separated === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=106 rev. 106] === * Updated for server build 334790 === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=103 rev. 103] === * Command ''sayplayer'' changed: Added short version ''pm'' * Command ''sayplayer'' changed: Sender is now denoted as stated in the description above so this command can be used as a PM function for players * All code that could ever produce errors is now doing exception handling so it should at least never affect the game/server itself. === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=100 rev. 100] === * Updated for server build 333545 === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=98 rev. 98] === * Fixed: inventory with multiple stacks of the same item causing an exception === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=96 rev. 96] === * Fixed: New commands get registered even if Telnet is not enabled * Fixed: The actual dedi server DLL is used now === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=93 rev. 93] === * Added console command ''showinventory'' / ''si'' === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=91 rev. 91] === * Added Telnet welcome message line: ''*** Allocs server fixes loaded'' * Command ''getgamepref'' changed: First parameter may just be a substring of prefs, like "claim" * Command ''listplayersextended'': Added output field "ping" === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=86 rev. 86] === * Console commands allowed by admins.xml affect both short and long versions === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=84 rev. 84] === * Added console command ''settimereal'' / ''str'' * Changed behaviour of Admins.xml (see features) === [https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=83 rev. 83] === * Added console command ''sayplayer'' * Added logging output for remote command execution from clients === Initial release ([https://7dtd.illy.bz/browser/binary-improvements?rev=81 rev. 81]) ===