Opened 10 years ago

Closed 9 years ago

#112 closed enhancement (invalid)

Improved List Entity / LE Command

Reported by: alanine Owned by: Christian Illy
Priority: trivial Component: Server fixes
Keywords: LE, List Entities Cc:


Currently, using the List Entity does not provide enough data to have a proper use, when compared to the List Players command.

As this command is not provided by Alloc's fixes currently, perhaps the introduction of an improved version, may soon be possible.

1) Not all entities are shown. If there are 50 zombies on the server, only a couple of them are ever shown in the LE response. Providing this information would allow the creation of heat signals and other fun mapping tools.

2) Dropped items do not display any identifying ID or name, thus there is no way to identify what item is dropped. Implementing the dropped items name, and the dropped quantity, could facilitate player trades, improved backpack space, offline player shops and so much more.

Thanks for your time,

Change History (3)

comment:1 by alanine, 10 years ago

Apologies - I see that 1) is no longer required, and is already in place. This was a misunderstanding - above I'd described the client's response. It works as expected within the console.

Thanks again,

Last edited 10 years ago by alanine (previous) (diff)

comment:2 by Christian Illy, 10 years ago

Component: ScriptsServer fixes

comment:3 by Christian Illy, 9 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

Done in A13 core game.

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