Opened 11 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

#57 closed enhancement (invalid)

Allow flight (Noclip)

Reported by: Rowtag Owned by: Christian Illy
Priority: major Component: Server fixes
Keywords: Cc:


If you have BuildCreate on true, you can fly around.
Can you do this feature to activate with a command.
Best is per Player / his EntityID.


Change History (3)

comment:1 by Christian Illy, 11 years ago

That shouldn't be related to BuildCreate but DebugMenu. And that's a command that an arbitrary user can execute (if he's got the permission). Can't influence the godmode from server side.

comment:2 by Rowtag, 11 years ago

Oh okey, didn't know thanks.

Hope there weill be more possibility in future for features from side of 7dtd

comment:3 by Christian Illy, 10 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

Can also be enabled with CM in A11

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