Opened 10 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

#67 closed defect (invalid)

Feature Request: Welcome-MSG, Backup-Warn-MSG, Maintenance

Reported by: Begerac Owned by: Christian Illy
Priority: major Component: Scripts
Keywords: Cc:


Hallo *.*

Before you begin to thank you, very good work! :-)

Feuture Request...

  • Welcome-Message: Editor with color text editing
  • Backup-Message: Warn execute example Backup it startet! Gameplay is restricted Backup-End-Message: example Backup completely!
  • Maintenance: warning time for 30 minutes Message example IP address changes due to forced separation from Internet Provider (Time: 04:00)

With best regards...


Change History (2)

comment:1 by Christian Illy, 10 years ago

Should be three independent tickets for three things ;)

@1: How should a color editor work in a more or less colorless console?
Other than that you can simply use the example hook provided on the Hooks page to get welcome messages.

@2: Would be the same as 1 just that I haven't added any pre-backup hook yet. Noted.

@3: Didn't really get what you mean here. You mean a message that is sent once 30 minutes before a certain time? Why don't you simply set up a cron job? If something else you'll have to explain in more detail ;)

comment:2 by Christian Illy, 8 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

Closing for missing feedback.
Again, no.1 is basically already in with the hooks, for no.2 ticket #145 has been opened, no idea about no.3.

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