Opened 10 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

#80 closed enhancement (fixed)

New Command: Ban by IP

Reported by: Cidvond Owned by: Christian Illy
Priority: trivial Component: Server fixes
Keywords: Cc:


Request: I was wondering if it would be possible to add a command to ban by IP or when a user gets banned it block their steamID and IP.

Reason: There is an exploit with steam share where hackers and trollers and making new accounts then just sharing their 7dtd with that new account. As of right now when you ban that account it just stops that one account but they can just make a new one to rejoin and continue to cause problems.

Really like your work. Thanks for all the help!

Change History (4)

comment:1 by Christian Illy, 10 years ago

Yeah, we know that exploit but it shouldn't be possible anymore with the new EAC builds ;)
If you still see it happening please report back.

You can see the owner's SteamID now in the logs like this:

[Steamworks.NET] Authentication callback. ID: <userSteamID>, owner: <ownerSteamID>, result: <internalResultValue>

comment:2 by Cidvond, 10 years ago

Hey Alloc,

Just tested this tonight with someone on my server. When you use the ban console command they are able to still get back in under a new steam share account. I see that it auto adds the account that was banned to the blacklist but it is just their steam ID and time. Is there another way to ban?


comment:3 by Christian Illy, 10 years ago

Currently the game does not support banning the owner id but I think we will add this soon.

comment:4 by Christian Illy, 7 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Actually this has been in the core for a long time now. Both the player's SteamID and the SteamID of the owner of the license (if it was family shared) is now banned when adding a ban. On logins both the player's ID and the owner's ID are tested against existing bans.

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