Opened 9 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#126 new enhancement

Hook for uptime / game time

Reported by: Paul Reid Owned by: Christian Illy
Priority: minor Component: Scripts
Keywords: Timed Hooks Cc:


Mr Alloc :)
I'd find a timed hook very useful.
For instance, there is a periodic INF log message created that carries the current gameserver uptime:
INF Time: 184.66m
If this logline could be used to trigger a hook, one would be able to test the running time and take an appropriate action, for instance a server restart.
If this hook could also carry the return variable of the 'gt' command, one could also test for daytime/nighttime, meaning a restart could only be triggered when the players are already holed up for the night somewhere safe (or at least they should be :))

This addition (the gt command) would also allow for a scripted custom message informing players of the time until the next 7day horde.

I can write these scripts using PHP/cron, but consider the hook method more reliable and requiring less overhead and configuration (webserver/PHP/CURL telnet/etc)

Thanks for your time Mr Alloc :)

Change History (2)

comment:1 by Christian Illy, 8 years ago

Summary: Hook RequestHook for uptime / game time

comment:2 by Christian Illy, 8 years ago

Component: Server fixesScripts
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