Opened 10 years ago

Last modified 10 years ago

#98 new enhancement

WebAPI - Add more telnet/console commands

Reported by: Shark7-11 Owned by: Christian Illy
Priority: minor Component: Server fixes
Keywords: WebAPI Cc:


Would it be possible to add more of the Console/telnet commands to the WepApi? I would think something along the line of some getters can be public, but setters you need to have the "protect" file (i.e. authentication) to ensure some guy who stumbled upon the API doesn't spawn everything for himself.
In essence I would like to be able to set game settings via a Web Front End, and also potentially, when you have a chat command framework ( configuring the listeners via another WebAPI.

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Christian Illy, 10 years ago

Component: ScriptsServer fixes

WebAPI is going to be enhanced, ideally should allow more or less everything that can be done with commands too.
Generally speaking WebAPI will at least have a ExecuteConsoleCommand which would allow to execute any console command (and with the permission system in place on the web panel by now it shouldn't hurt either).

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