Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of Logged information

Jul 19, 2014, 2:00:31 PM (11 years ago)
Christian Illy



  • Logged information

    v4 v5  
    66   Commands executed by players and through the telnet interface are logged here.
    77 output.log::
    8    The scripts automatically start a log monitor whenever an instance is started. This log monitor writes every new log line in ''SDTD_BASE/engine/7DaysToDie_Data/output_log.txt'' to this file but prepends the current time to the line. This way you can see at what time a single line in the log was written.
     8   Whole output log of 7dtd, blank lines filtered and each line with timestamp.
    99 players.log::
    10    When the log monitor sees a line for a player connect or disconnect event an entry in this file is generated, stating the time of the event, connect ("+++") or disconnect ("---"), entity id for the player, nickname, Steam ID and client IP.
     10   On a player connect or disconnect event an entry in this file is generated, stating the time of the event, connect ("+++") or disconnect ("---"), entity id for the player, nickname, Steam ID and client IP.
    1111 stdout.log::
    1212   Console output of the engine is redirected to this file.